Black Langshans


12 Years
Jan 22, 2008
Hey everybody, I am new here and I could use some advice. I am starting a new flock and I am leaning towards black langshans. I would like to purchase chicks here in Ohio but I am having a hard time finding breeders of these type of chickens. Can anyone help or give me some tips on this type of bird?
Awww, thanks Hencackle...that just made my evening!

Yup, I have Langshans. I have a black roo, and hen...and 2 white hens. They are all in the same pen. I DID Incubate a few of thier test fertility. The babies I have now are 9 weeks old...and are feathering out nicely. MOST of them are total black...but a few have white tips on the wings. I am in SE Indiana....about an hr and a half from Hamilton Ohio. ( we go there about once every month to visit DH's family.) Let me know if you are interested!
My Roo...Ebony

Ebony and his girls...

A few of the 12 days old..
I have Langshans.. about..I just realized I don't remember how many...7 pure hens-adult..1 pure roo-adult.several pure point of lay hens and 2 mixed roos.
I tell ya. I love the Langshans. What a marvelous breed. The roos are very attentive to the hens..gentle..let the hens eat first always..hand feeds hens. Only thing to watch for is over attentiveness. I finally had to separate out my roo because he was being too much of a worry wart and not letting the hens range far enough from the barn.. being winter, they need to be free to go where the greens are poking through.
The hens are calm and lovely and lay fairly well. I have no incidents of prolapse or egg bound-ness in any Langshan hen. No helath problems at all.
I do need to point out that they are SLOW to mature. You are going to log some time before you see your first egg, but still worth it. The roos are traffic stoppers. They are so large. My sire roo stands higher than my knee and must way 15# or more. I can hardly get my arms around him if I need to move him. But gentle! He tries to feed me when I am out...aaah. My sweet giant.
I will never be without them in my flock And they are the base of my breeding operation. Everything is better if bred with a Langshan!!
Well guys you have helped me make up my mind. I am definately going to get Black Langshans. Now, I am still kicking around whether to get chicks, to incubate my own eggs, or to buy full grown. A breeder has been trying to get me not to hatch my own, he says there is only a 50% hatch rate. I might just have to hunt around and form a flock from individuals.
Im not sure what set up that breeder has....but I put 10 eggs in, and got 9 babies hatched! Maybe she just has too many hens per roo, and her fertility is low. I do have some babies ready to go...from the bunch in the pics. Pick up only tho...where are you located?
In my opinion....Langshans are great gentle giants...and mine layed ALL winter, with NO extra light.
Hey Y'all, I have always looked at the Langshan breed but have always passed on them but now, I want to expand my flock a bit and after seeing that beautiful black roo's picture and nothing but good things to say about the breed, have me wanting some.
Thanks friend,
Dorchester, SC
I live just about 30 min south of Columbus right off of I-71.
Are these chicks black? I think that is the color I am leaning toward. I may want to show these eventually so I am going to keep the color pure.
Right now I am coop building. I live in a rural area that has several natural predators, so I am building this coop to prevent any unwanted visitors.
By the way justusnak what kind of incubator do you use?
m61248 .... I am useing an older model....Brower top hatch. No fan, no turner. I average 90 to 100 % hatches. Lucky I guess.

You said 30 minutes S of that Indiana, or Ohio?
Ooohh. I would love to have one of those! Let me know if you want to get rid of it!


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