Black Penedesenca Chicks TX.

I have some more eggs due to hatch tomorrow,
I can take picks of the eggs after the hatch, and of some of the eggs
I have advertised.
I don't know how to post pics on BYC. If you like, I can send some pics through email
E-mail me at [email protected] for pics.

I would say yes they are very active
and flighty,much like a leghhorn. This temperment is perfect for
a free range fowl, but as pets they are a little
to active for me.
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Hi Josh44,

Delayed thanks for your reply regarding temperament. Hyper like a leghorn I can handle but wild gamebird suicidal like some of the other color varieties of penedesencas is too flighty for me.
Forgive the question but I recently got some black Penedesenca without asking enough questions I they lacked the carnation comb and white ear lobes. Do your blacks all have carnation combs and white ear lobes? Are they solid blacki? I have a some that are the real thing, but I think these others have been crossed at some point.
All my Penedesenca's have the carnation/(kings comb), If they dont' have the corret comb they are probable not penedesencas they are probable English Marans that have been confused with Penedesencas, or have been Crossed with them. in my opinion.
My Penedesencas are cold solid black in color, and have white earlobes. I have herd of a few breeders, that are crossing penedesenca claiming them to be true Penedes beware of these people. Do Your Homework and look up the breeder,and their rep.

You are right to ask questions, It is the best thing you can do, ask as many as you can, again do your homework and if you are able, get as much info on the breeder as possible. So that you don't get conned, it is the best way to find out about the breeders and their stock.

From a few days old chicks, you should be able see the irregular comb shape/carnation comb or( King's Comb).
The earlobes try your best to breed only those with white earlobes, and cull out those that don't hold strong Penedesenca traits.
Email as many ??? questions??? as you like, I will do my best to answer them.

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