Black Sex Link chicks look diffirent need some help.


12 Years
Nov 16, 2011
Eastern NY
Hi, I have two almost 4 week old Black Sex Link chicks, one is Bigger then the other and is all black and has dark legs, the other was all black but now has brown feathers on her neck and has some lighter color white/yellow on her bottom rear and yellow Legs.

They both had light color feathers on the bottom when they where first born. The two of them tend two hang out together I was just wondering if they are Black Sex Links.

The all black one is at the top middle the last one is the one with the brown neck feathers.

Brown Neck Feathers

All Black
Yeah, black sexlinks can have just a bit of tint under their chins of brown, to having their entire front chest being brown. Boys will be barred. They are just F1 mutts, so lots of variation can happen.
I see Rottie paws!

I got myself a Black sex link also. She is only about 4 weeks old (at the most) and I really like her personality....she seems calmer them the other chicks I have her with. I am hoping mine gets a LOT of red neck feathers, that is what I like about is so pretty!
I LOVE sex-link hens! Their personalities are great and they have always been sweeter than RIRs and some others I have had! My BSL had a red necklace of red feathers, SO pretty! And the best is that they are similar but all look different as they ARE mutts, so you can tell them apart!

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