Black Sex Link Hen? Or too soon to tell?


In the Brooder
Mar 28, 2015
Hello, this is my first time posting so I hope I'm putting it in the right area. I have a what was sold as a Black Sex Link who is going on 6 weeks old. She (hopefully)/he is my favorite out of my little flock, being the most docile, curious and good natured. I'm hoping you might be able to tell me if she's looking
[/IMG]like a hen? The suspense is killing me :) thank you in advance. Sarah
Sorry for the way the pictures came out, I'm not sure why they're in the middle of my post. Maybe it's because im posting from my phone. After looking at these pictures more closely I'm a little nervous at how far up the "comb" is already. Maybe that indicates a rooster.
Defintly hen.

A black sex link rooster is actually different looking.Sexlinks can be aged at any age.They all have something unique to identify rooster hen.the roosters are black and white with dominque feathering.
Assuming she is actually a sex link, she is a pullet.

I say that because I was at TSC one morning and saw the employee putting all of the straight run cuckoo marans, straight run barred rocks, sex-link pullets and astrolorps in the same tub, because they had more chicks coming in and they had to make room. After all they said, they all look the same.....they said......
Wow, that doesn't surptise me because I could see that happening. I know at our TS they move them from the stackable "crates", for lack of a better word, to these other larger troughs. We bought her the first week they started having chicks so maybe that's a good sign that she is what they say she is but you never know. I am just beyond pleased at her personality. She perks up when I come around, falls asleep when I hold her and isn't super noisy like my Ameraucana (or EE, Im not sure).

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