Black Sexlink or Barred Rock Cockerels?


10 Years
Apr 5, 2013
Fossil, OR
I'm leaning towards black sexlinks, but I really don't know for sure. Of course, the hatchery wouldn't know what extras were sent, nor do they really care. I'd just like to be able to tell people what they're buying when I sell them. Got 10 of these guys that I really don't need.

I see. It just seemed like too much white on the chest for a barred rock to me. But they're still young and don't have the adult pattern yet. Thank you!

I've also never actually seen a black sexlink cockerel/rooster before, either.
I'm thinking Black Sex-links, since the barring is rather messy for a purebred (albeit hatchery quality) barred rock, in my opinion.
I'm thinking Black Sex-links, since the barring is rather messy for a purebred (albeit hatchery quality) barred rock, in my opinion.
That was part of my thinking. I have a barred cochin cockerel from the same hatchery with very nice barring. But as I said, I haven't seen any BSL cockerels/roosters, so I can't compare. Had a BR pullet once, that got killed by a neighbor's dog that got loose...
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