Black Silkie Pullet- Free to loving home!

I'm in Pittsburgh, and I think I could help as a relay, if you want. I had a half-blind silkie for a while that I lost to Marek's

I could travel west as far as Greensburg, PA. I know this is a stretch from you, silkieluvr, but...
Then I could transport Angel to Erie, this timed as the weather permits, since I need to go to Erie anyway soon.
If you live near Jamestown or such, elieugene6, then you could come get her.
Otherwise, if someone in SW Ohio would like her as well, I could transport her there.
I'll also ask around here, since someone with a few urban hens may like her.

If I could find a home for her and would travel as far as Greensburg, or Connellsville, would that be close enough?
I could pick it up in erie, Pa near the 90 if that is possible. I wouldn't be able to do it until next Friday though as I don't have any left over money this week for gas. So I would be available any time next friday or later. It would take me a little over 2hrs to get there.
I'm in Erie...not sure where that is in the grand scheme of things, but let me know if I can help. Bearing in mind i do have school and kids.....time is limited.
I am not sure if you would be willing to drive a bit north with angel that would help a lot. Even an exit or two north on the 90 would be helpful. When I come to get her I will have my 4 year old and possibly my 8 yr old with me. So less driving is always better. lol.
I'm in Northern MD. I got a couple Silkie chicks from you a couple of years ago when I was first starting out. We met up in Emmitsburg. I'm not far from there. I'm looking for a Silkie to be a broody for me. Does she have to be separated from other chickens? Or would she do ok with a small flock? I have 4 hens right now, and am probably getting three more. I don't have any roos, and my girls are all nice to each other. My coop and run are all enclosed and protected from predators. I have a heat lamp that I can turn on if it gets really cold out there. I'd love to give her a good home, but I can't keep her in my house...hubby would lose it.
Hey everyone, just getting on here because I was out hunting. Greensburg/Connelsville is still three hours away from me (of course it has to be the opposite direction of my boyfriend) With my work schedule and school, its going to be very difficult to plan. Thank you everyone that offered to help! BYC family are the best!

MD chicken chic, I'm not sure how other fullgrown hens would react with her but we can give it a try since you are so close to me. She just needs a warm, protected area so your setup with the heatlamp sounds awesome.I think she'd even make a great broody in the future because we had her outside with some rosecomb youngsters. I get my new work schedule Tuesday so I'll PM with a date that might work for you.
I'd love to give it a try. If she doesn't do well with my other hens, though, I don't have another area to keep her in. In that case, would you be willing to take her back? I will try hard first though. I'm getting a couple other young pullets this weekend, and I will be quarantining them in my basement for a couple of weeks before putting them out with my flock. So, I can see how she does with other birds then while I watch everyone. If everyone is healthy, then I would be putting the new birds out in the coop but still separated from the other girls until everyone gets adjusted. That should be plenty of time to see if she makes friends with the new birds, and maybe that will help with integration into the flock. How old is she? Are you using a heat lamp for her now? I'm asking because I don't normally put mine on unless it gets very cold at down into the teens or windy. Of course, my birds all roost together, and I know Silkies usually do not roost up high. They did fine last winter will all the snow and cold we got. I'd be thrilled if she would be a good broody!
Right now she is not using a heat lamp, that is why I want to find her a good home before it gets to cold for her,. I'd be willing to take her back if things dont workout. She was hatched in May so she is around six months old.

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