Black silkies

Hey Amy!!
I have a little black girl I named Sassy that I bought from you 2 years ago
and she has been bred to a black cockeral from Karen Schulner in Wisconsin and I got 1 black pullet (Princess) from that crossing. They are the trues blacks I have, the ones that werent black in the underfluff I sold for pets. This spring I hope to hatch more. I just love the pure blacks.
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Heres a pic of one of the pullets I got from you.

A splash

Her color has improved much with age. I dont have any pics of your blacks on the computer.

Here is a black roo from Karen I will be using for breeding this year to the black females I have from you..

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I will be later this spring.... Way too risky right now with temps below 0 most of the time. I'm also filling my own growout pens yet too. I didn't end up with many fatalities last year using my method. I send only via USPS Express mail even on the newly hatched. I put handwarmers in the bedding and rig up a cup with fruit and wetted starter mash. I can fit up to about 25-30 chicks in one of the standard boxes. Its a bit more spendy than Priority, but we have peace of mind knowing where that package is at along the route. Express is almost always there within 2 days, whereas Priority is anywhere from 2-10 days.

Oh yeah....I also got a call from Marjorie Best last week. Western Nationals is April 16-17th in WA. Oh man.... if only I knew how these next few months are going to be. My baby is due roughly March 10th and I should still be on maternity leave. If I pop early and all goes well, its so tempting to try and drive/fly out there. If the lil fart holds out or if my health doesn't cooperate, then who knows... I would like to donate for the silkie awards at least somehow. The oldest babies in my growout pens are less than 2 months right now and I don't know how they will turn out yet. April is still awful chilly for shipping younger chicks too. I could at least do some cash awards. Who would I need to get ahold of for that?

Probably Marjorie. It would be a blast if you could make it. It's very close to my finals week, but I wouldn't miss the show for anything.

The babies did well with your shipping last year. I didn't know if you were still using the full sized bird boxes I wonder if lower boxes would hold in more warmth... not smaller fllor dimension just shorter. I know you aren't shipping yet, up there in the frozen tundra,..

I'm so excited for March,.. just wish it wasn't during finals. BTW,.. if you need more white blood my best white boy is throwing some nice chicks.

I MEAN APRIL!! Oi vey,..
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Here is an awesome thread on how stress will affect birds (including hormone levels):

Here is a thread where its showing how the sun can bleach out black orp's to the point that they almost look chocolate:

I know this is a common occurance with most animals. Back when I showed horses, we fed a supplement called Black as Night and kept any of the blacks under sheets and slinkies to prevent them fading out to a seal brown. I have some chocolate muscovies that I didn't even reconize by last fall. They had faded out to almost a tan color and they looked rather funny when molting. Even your buff birds will fade out to a light creamy color.

here's a thread about how age affects color:

I know I had an another article somewhere on how testosterone levels affect color, but can't find it right now.

Hmmm, wonder what was in it? I've heard of feeding to enhance red/gold colour, but never black. I would be very interested in testing it on blacks (assuming the ingredients are safe for birds).
Here is a pic of some of my blacks from Amy destiny_56085

I kept 3 hens and 2 Roos after culling and cant wait to get more
My pics do not do them justice..
I absolutely love blacks and fine them a challenge.. But what fun would they be without it..

Amy WOW time does go by quik that due date is gettin close!! Good luck to you and your lil one wishing you all the Best!!
As anyone noticed that a black bird repeatedly dunking it's beard in their water can ruin the color (and strength?) of the beard-feathering? I have a new mystery that I'm trying to solve.

My camara shows and overly exaggerated (bad camara: her coloring is correct on all places but the beard) image of her face. Her beard has acquired a rusty look in the last few months. Ideas?


Same hen a few months ago...

If your water is chlorinated, I suspect that this could probably happen but I've never seen it. Our water is city water and has some chlorine, but you can't smell it or taste it and I've never had it happen to ours. Perhaps something else in the water causing it??
Our water is well water; I'm pretty sure there's no chlorine in it. But Sulfur is a high possibility. Would that do it?

In addition to the rusty coloring, the beard feathers also seem to get weak and break off. I can't wait for my girl to moult out-she is totally out of condition.

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