Black silkies

I LOVE great black silkies too! I know what you mean about a good molt! The girls below just molted and have feathere back in...I always love it when they look like this!!




Here are a couple of of them is just short of 2 months and the other is 2 1/2 months. The sun was really bright on them and washed them out a bit in the photo, but they are going to be nice and dark when they grow up.

:oops:Half tempted to try that Black as Knight on the birds too. Thanks for that link.... Its been at least 10 years since I've used it and couldn't remember how to spell the name.

Polish.... I probably have the same problem up here too. Most of the year I use those big galvanized fountains. Right now I have the heated pet bowls in each pen and I have the chronic head dippers too. I don't even want to get pics right now because most of them look like porcupines with icey feather spikes. We also have well water and maybe its the rust???? I know I'm scrubbing alot of deposits off the bowls all the time.

Not so excited for March yet.... Scared of leaving my birds and horses in my family's hands for a while. Labor... Diapers and bottles... Where's the fast forward button in life?
:oops:Half tempted to try that Black as Knight on the birds too. Thanks for that link.... Its been at least 10 years since I've used it and couldn't remember how to spell the name.

Polish.... I probably have the same problem up here too. Most of the year I use those big galvanized fountains. Right now I have the heated pet bowls in each pen and I have the chronic head dippers too. I don't even want to get pics right now because most of them look like porcupines with icey feather spikes. We also have well water and maybe its the rust???? I know I'm scrubbing alot of deposits off the bowls all the time.

Whatever is up with the water, it got worse when I switched from plastic to metal waterers this late fall.
Before then, the birds would dunk faces but it would dry regularly. So, yeah, sometime is sticking onto the waterer and then onto the feathers. That particular girl is going to be out of commission for months. I hope my cockerel continues to drink with his beak and not his whole face.

I probably won't be doing any breeding with my blacks but they're my favorites, colorwise. There's nothing like a poofy, fluffy, beetle-green and black Silkie. They're what I look for first when I go to shows.
Does anyone have a nice nice nice black hen for sale? (and be willling to ship if you're outside of driving distance?)
I haven't had that problem even with the galvanized waterers. I think it might be the combination of whatever is in the waterers plus sun. I don't get that problem,.. but my birds are kept inside... turnout when the sun isn't blazing. If I allowed them unlimited turnout, they would all be 'chocolate' as I live in the high desert where there is plenty of STRONG sunshine.

I do end up supplementing vitamin D.

I'm sorry,.. I meant April Amy. I am keeping my fingers crossed that everything is simple and easy for you. I know you've got your work cut out for you, but life seems to have a way of working out somehow.
This is another thing. Especially when starting out, if you have a budget, buy the best cock bird you can find. How many babies can a good cock bird sire in one season? Far more than a good hen can.

It may not be your situation,. but I've seen it alot. People wanting good hens, but when I either look at their cock (at the shows) or they send me a picture... it's a terrible bird. I then offer a better cock bird than the one they have, but they aren't interested. Hens only. huh?

I gave a nice young cockerel to a 4-h kid at the Chehalis show because the black cock she had in the show wasn't very good. The cockerel I gave her wasn't finished, so I can only hope he turns out well. I am hoping to see him in Jr or open show at the Nationals.
I have a lavender cock and hen and was looking to add a hen for splits.

I'd say one of each but my husband would kill me if I added another rooster to the farm. lol But I could really mix and match with one of each.
Wow what a lot of beaautiful black silkies Ultrasul, Polishprincess, Three Cedar Silkies, and cityslickers. This thread is really got a lot of good info on it. That black as knight sounds like some great stuff. Thanks for the great links Sonoran Silkies!

Amy I hope everything goes well for you in labor and afterwards.
The white silkies I got from you are doing wonderful and holding their own. I have them mixed with only one of Schulner's hens. Their babies are just growing out now and I think they are lookin pretty good. I hope to be showing more this year, last year was just settling into my new place and building coops.
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