Black silkies

And no with a newborn baby, I don't get much sleep. I'm also back to work full-time too. Its been super busy at the casino and my shift isn't always over at midnight. Just keep plugging away and down a few energy drinks before work. Kaylie is growing like a weed. She's already holding her head up, rolling on her side, etc. I got some of that colic calm stuff and I've wrecked alot of cute outfits by having black junk spit all over them. Got one of those jungle looking swings and it seems to help. I haven't had much free time to go riding, fishing, or the fun stuff. Oh well.... Here are a couple newer pics:



"And now the rest of the story....."

I am one of the ones that was given a "start" by local breeders here in Florida. There is no way I could have afforded the beautiful SQ stock that I have fallen in love with. Several high quality breeders sold me babies at very affordable prices and even replaced one that died at no charge. I want to thank those generous souls for their efforts! I can't tell you how much it has meant to me!!!!!!

None of us will ever be independently wealthy by selling our chickens, but money isn't the only indicator of wealth. I know some very 'rich' chicken people out there!
Lookin good!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't even want to get pics of my older birds right now. Ayee...... More than half of the birds are almost bald. I had to laugh yesterday morning. I have 1 girl that drops every feather on her body and now she's in the hedgehog stage. I just cleaned pens last week and it looks like someone had a feather pillow explode in the black and whites.
Lookin good!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't even want to get pics of my older birds right now. Ayee...... More than half of the birds are almost bald. I had to laugh yesterday morning. I have 1 girl that drops every feather on her body and now she's in the hedgehog stage. I just cleaned pens last week and it looks like someone had a feather pillow explode in the black and whites.

The girls in the breeding pens look pitiful right now! These two girls I took to a show the last week of April and actually heard the judge laughing at them. They started dropping feathers in the show cage and half her crest has fallen out. Its amazing that she can have multiple Featherleg and Bantam wins then just... POOF! She's out of condition haha. I've got about 20 chicks growing out and a cool looking porcelainish one. I'll have to upload pics of her and PM them to you.
A double coop is just a regular coop with the divider taken out. Some of the bigger birds need more space.... Instead of having 1 lil hole, they have the space of 2 cages (or sometimes the entire bank) to move in. You see it alot for the standard brahmas, cochins, etc. Some of the long tailed breeds like minorcas, phoenix, leghorns also need more room so their feathers don't get too hashed.

AOV means Any Other Variety. In silkies there are 8 approved, white, blue, splash, buff, partridge, grey, and lavendar. Any other color that doesn't fit into those approved colors is shown as AOV: blue partridge, cuckoo, paint, etc. Those birds are pretty much judged against themselves and can't do any better than best of variety. You can make up pretty much any name you want there... However if you call something a name that's already in the standard, it will get judged according to that. Good example.... the 'porcelain' silkies. That color is defined in the standard already. It would still be considered AOV in silkies. I haven't seen a bird yet that fits that defined description though.

In my experience at least, judges tend to favor the girls.... I think you should take what you want to show though. If you have the room and feel like bathing alot of birds, take them all. Its usually a cheap learning experience. To show a few extra birds doesn't even add up to the cost of a movie ticket these days. I think I'd rather be at a chicken show too.
Go and have some fun!
Very cute pics of Kaylie Amy!!!!!!!!

I, too, try to help out 4H or FFA kids when I can. I raffled a beautiful white silkie pullet at a 4h-FFA sale last year. The kids put in a dollar and then I drew the name of the winner and donated the $$$ back to the 4H club...that's what it's all about to me. One time I heard someone at a show say, "They may be in it to help kids, but I am in it to show and win!" Shame on him!!!! Kids are the future of this insane hobby of ours and when I know that a kid is truly interested, I try to help...don't get me wrong..I have had adults call me wanting silkies for their kids and I have seen those birds shown in the open show by them(phooey), but seeing some of the kids that I have helped out place in a show is priceless!! I have alot of BYC friends that have purchased birds from me. I try to price my birds what I think I would pay for that bird. Kind of off the "Black Silkies" topic but just wanted to put in my 2 cents!

Since this tread is on Black Silkies, I want to just say "Sorry Amy" for not letting you know that the grow outs from, Jackpot, one of the black boys I got from you, are looking awesome. I guess I would have to be considered one of the moochers because of the heavy load you shipped me last December. I have shared the extra roos with, not surprising, my 4H pals who have done such great things with the birds I have given them. I enjoy contributing to the addiction wherever possible, lol. I consider myself a huge winner in the show ring, because like you, I consider their wins my own. Watching kids grow and become involved in Poultry is as enjoyable as e spending time with the chickens themselves.

In short, I want to thank you for the beautifu stock you have shared with me and the line here is looking so promising. Makes my heart go pitterpatter.

By the way your precious little girl is a show stopper. You really have been blessed. I wish you did not have to work so hard and could spend more time at home with her right now. That may come yet.
Lol Jaynie.... You got me started in bantam faverolles last spring too. I lost count of how many eggs you sent me on those. You didn't know me from Adam at the time and yet you took me under your wing and tutored me on those. Those babies took BB/RB at both shows last fall too. My mom's happy because she finally got the faverolles that she wanted and they truly turned out to be gorgeous birds too. Luv your choice of names on the rooster... the place I work at is called Jackpot Junction, so kind of ironic. As for working too much...once farmers can get in the fields for spring planting it will slow down for a few months. They are having a huge truck/boat giveaway and a Styx concert at the end of the month, then nothing for a while again. A new casino is also opening up just in Larchwood IA and we just lost 7 of our dealers to them without any forewarning. No 2 week notice and we were left to fend for ourselves... They have an ad up and are hiring more people.
They look black to me, the rooster appears to have some light undercolor, so maybe he is partridge at the E locus?

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