Black silkies

I have a black roo but over the last month or so his crest turned a brownish red. I thought....well maybe he's Blue??? I thought I read that somewhere.

So he is a black then. His undercolor is all black, maybe just a tiny bit lighter...but definately not like ANY of my blues! Good to know! Thanks!

Direct sunlight wreaks havoc on most colors. White and splash get a brassy yellow tint. Buff fades to pale gold. Blues, blacks, chocolate,etc fade to a sunburnt reddish shade of them.
Ok y'all I have a bird that I want an honest opinion of.... This is not a sale bird, but possibly the next in line for being one of the main breeders. Its a son of Monster.... one of my July 2010 hatches. Straight black only..... He's jet black and only off coloration is from the camera flash. He's already built like a brick house and has been in a group pen for now.

Current bath beforehand.





Pics from a couple months ago when he wasn't filled out yet:



I would use him in a heartbeat! I love his type! Nice short back, great comb, wings, cushion, and I love how wide and solid he looks! Great feet too. I can't really see anything I don't like! Do you have any pics of monster? I would love to see him too!
Separate pens for blacks, whites, blue/splash, and a few buffs on the silkies. When you count the growout and bachelor pens, a 100' barn isn't big enough for even those sometimes. Also have a few bantam faverolles, some waterfowl, peafowl, and fancy breed pigeons.

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