black star cross chicks

No. Sex Links are one generation only. Since I believe the white seen in Orpingtons is usually recessive white, you'll see offspring which are the result of BSL coloring (black with red leakage) crossed with whatever color the Orpington's white plumage is hiding. (White birds are not genetically white, they are a different color such as Buff, Black, etc. hidden by white). Which is to say it's really impossible to know what they'll look like until they've hatched.
No. Sex Links are one generation only. Since I believe the white seen in Orpingtons is usually recessive white, you'll see offspring which are the result of BSL coloring (black with red leakage) crossed with whatever color the Orpington's white plumage is hiding. (White birds are not genetically white, they are a different color such as Buff, Black, etc. hidden by white). Which is to say it's really impossible to know what they'll look like until they've hatched.
What she said


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