Black, Tarry Poo???


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
I have been noticing some really yucky looking Black, Tarry-looking poo in the babies run lately. I think it's from the goslings but i'm not for sure. I have also noticed a slight smelly-ness(not like normal duck poo) around the coop/yard in the last few days.

Could it be from all the new access to grass & other goodies in the yard?
They're all still getting plenty of feed and always have fresh water.
They're all still very healthy, normal acting babies too.

just cant figure it out, im a little stumpped.
Mine found some charcoal from an old fire pit and like to eat it. They started pooping black goo....but they are fine and only eat it sometimes....
Perfectly normal poop. Every once in a while they'll poop a dark sticky and stinky poop. If you think it's gross in the run, I hope you never experience ducks purposely splattering it everywhere in the bathtub...
It's called the Cepal poop I believe... Also known as the "Every 7th poop" which seems to be extra gross and smelly... Perfectly normal. Now if their poop is looking like that all the time, then you'd have a problem.
Thank you guys. They're not doing it everytime so they should be fine then. I went out this morning and watched them for a while to see if i could see who it was. I know the goslings were doing it for sure though. what a relief!

True, all the time like that, it's called Coccidiosis and is very deadly and contagious internal parasite to all poultry. The black color is from intestinal bleeding and will quickly kill new borns adult tend to fair a little better.

However, If they are acting normal you are fine, if they start getting lethargic and pooping like that every time, you best get some suluer based meds in the water ASAP.
Yikes! Help! One of my ducks had a very stinky goo like dark tarry stinky poo and I thought it improved but now all 4 have the same and it's been going on for several days. They seem healthy and eat well. They are 3 1/2 months old. I also found a strange worm that was found by my kids in their enclosure. They thought it was a baby snake and to my surprise it looked like 2" long cod worm! No fish here for that to be found! It was very thin, long, brownish, and the only way I could kill it was by burning it. So my question is what's going on with my ducks poo and what is this worm? Clearly a parasite! What do I do, we are new to owning ducks! Can't see any worms in their poo and of course our dog will eat their poo any chance we are not watching. Dog is on a monthly heartworm and other worm preventative but does it cover this nasty thing? Finally what's the risk to us? Yuk!
Yikes! Help! One of my ducks had a very stinky goo like dark tarry stinky poo and I thought it improved but now all 4 have the same and it's been going on for several days. They seem healthy and eat well. They are 3 1/2 months old. I also found a strange worm that was found by my kids in their enclosure. They thought it was a baby snake and to my surprise it looked like 2" long cod worm! No fish here for that to be found! It was very thin, long, brownish, and the only way I could kill it was by burning it. So my question is what's going on with my ducks poo and what is this worm? Clearly a parasite! What do I do, we are new to owning ducks! Can't see any worms in their poo and of course our dog will eat their poo any chance we are not watching. Dog is on a monthly heartworm and other worm preventative but does it cover this nasty thing? Finally what's the risk to us? Yuk!

How did this turn out? One of my ducks has really dark, tarry, sticky poop right now. It's the weirdest stuff, it's the splat kind of poops and it takes forever to dry out if it even does. I haven't noticed any changes in behavior yet and haven't been able to pinpoint the culprit. What's going on?

(I checked that chicken poop website posted earlier and couldn't find anything that resembles my duck's poop).

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