
6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
Kingsley, MI
When I checked on my flock last night (17 chicks and 4 ducklings that are all a couple months old), everything was fine. This morning I went out to the coop to find this poor duck like this. I immediately freaked and wondered what happened. I then saw a chick peck at his wound. I then snagged him and separated them for a moment while I figured out what to do. I ended up putting him in our utility sink in the garage to wash out his wounds. I put a 'glug' of peroxide into the water to help sanitize it. (Both wing tips and his body under the wings were badly bleeding.)

Upon inspection, I found that his wing feathers are coming in, and are jagged and sharp. I figure that they got rubbed raw, then the chickens noticed it and pecked it until it bled. I got him to calm down while I took a cup and cupped water all over him. He flinched a little when I put water on his wounds, so I know they're painful.

He almost fell asleep in the warm water. (All washed off now before I drained the water)

I then scooped him up and dried him off pretty good with a rag, then laid him down and put the rag over his head so he wouldn't run or squirm. I dabbed him with peroxide then applied basic triple antibiotic ointment to him and on the gauze pads, put them under his wings, and wrapped his body in gauze, taping it together.

I was pretty proud of my wrapping job, until I set him back in his own area of the coop, that is, where he flailed to get away from me and then it started to fall off. I ended up just taking it all off and letting him be (in his own sectioned off part, or course) and hopefully he knows how to take care of it. The ointment should still be on his skin. I noticed it was really bright pink a couple hours after I bathed him, which is a good sign.

SOOOO. Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing the right things? I know you're all mostly chicken folk, but it's basically all the same when it comes to wounds, I'd think.

Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.
sorry to hear about him but so far i think you are doing good. just repeat the bath and antibiotics until he is all better.

how is the temp in the coop? i would watch him in that regard just to make sure he does not get too cold.
Thanks for responding. As for the temp in the coop, we are at about 50 degrees in Northern Michigan right now, and I have one heat lamp in there. Its not shining down right where he is, but he could lay about two feet away from it if he wanted to.

Here he is about mid-day yesterday after the bath but before the ointment. He's healing so fast!! I almost can't believe it! I'm sure he looks even better this morning.

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