Blending flock


Apr 28, 2020
I moved my 9 week old girls in with their older sisters yesterday and it went ok.
my intention was to keep the young ones in the coop all day then let the 3 big girls up in the evening, however, it was a very dry, hot 97 by 1pm so I had to let them into the run. I Put out extra water with some electrolytes for the heat and once the sun started to set I let the big girls into the run. As expected there was a little chasing and showing who’s the boss which I have a hard time with but know that’s the chicken world.
Once the big girls when up to roost, we proceeded to help the young ones find their way. This was a little more traumatic for both me and the birds but we all got through it. I put camera in the coop just to keep an eye on the big gals to make sure no harsh bulling was going on. Good news is everyone got along fine and seemed to wake up happy.
Here is one night time picture and one from this morning before the coop door opened.
It’s going to be another 90 plus degree day so they are happily roaming the yard.


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How are they doing?
Not as well as I expected. While the pecking is just normal chicken stuff i can’t get the younger birds to got back to the main coop at night if I let them out into the yard during the day. I kept them cooped with access to the run for a couple of days, letting the older birds out all day. Then I let them out and that night they wanted to go to the old coop. I kept them in another day then tried again but still they didn’t know to go to the main coop. So they are in coop/run jail until they learn. If I ever have to start over I will get them all at the same time. Any advice would be appreciated 🐓🐓
Imprinting issue on old roost site. Make them stay in new location around clock for a couple days.
I did the first day but it was over 90 degrees and way too hot for them. The are fine going up into the coop as long as they are in the run already.
they have been in the new coop/run now for 3 days straight so we will see. 🐓🐓
Not as well as I expected. While the pecking is just normal chicken stuff i can’t get the younger birds to got back to the main coop at night if I let them out into the yard during the day. I kept them cooped with access to the run for a couple of days, letting the older birds out all day. Then I let them out and that night they wanted to go to the old coop. I kept them in another day then tried again but still they didn’t know to go to the main coop. So they are in coop/run jail until they learn. If I ever have to start over I will get them all at the same time. Any advice would be appreciated 🐓🐓
Tonight was easier but only because the youngest girls were already in the run. But baby steps. They all went up into the coop without issue. So I have hope 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🥰
Thanks for sharing this and good luck! So many of us are going through the same thing right now, and it's helpful see how others address it.
It’s still a bit of a battle I am surprised it’s taking so long but the younger chicks are getting bigger and they will fight back soon.

I have seen one of the younger ones roost beside the big ones one night them not the next. So I have to be patient they will figure it out soon enough.
Update on blending my gals.
While I am still having to make sure the younger ones get into the run. Once they are in the run they all head up into the coop and I am very happy to report that tonight was the first night there was NO fusing in the coop 👍👍 NO pecking from the older gals so I am one happy chicken mamma 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓


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