Blindness in old hen


10 Years
Mar 31, 2014
Hi there.

I've managed to rehome two hens from a guy who was packing in keeping chickens. One is a three year old brown layer (she's fine *check edit*) but one is a eight year old White Star who is blind in one eye. I'm quarentining them for the next four weeks but I was just wondering what you think is the cause? Cataracts, Marek's, something else? I think she's completely blind on her bad side since there is no reaction to moving anything near her on that side. The other side, well I'm trying to judge that one, she seems to follow me at a distance but nothing close up. She must be able to see so she can see where the food is because he didn't seem the type to hand feed her. Bless her.


So as I was powdering them and giving them a bit of a clean up I noticed brown layer has a bit of a swollen eyelid/side head(?). It doesn't seem to be bothering her so I'll be keeping an eye on that. I've put some pictures underneath.

IMG_20210709_160210486_HDR.jpg IMG_20210709_160213908_HDR.jpg
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Good morning.

She watched me walk around their coop this morning with her good eye so that's a good start to the day. Also she knows how to use the feeder so she's not as helpless as first thought.


Anyway, on the brown hen, I noticed pupil size differing and cloudiness in the eye with the smaller pupil and swollen eyebrow. Again, I'm back to wondering, Marek's or age or something completely different. I've tried to get a picture so you can see the difference. First is swollen & cloudy, the next is the fine side.


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