Bloated hen

So... on closer examination, all of her rump feathers are gone which has exposed a very large colony on lice.... How do I treat? Support therapy? I can actually look in the archives on the subject, but yes, the person who suggested lice in the first place was indeed correct.

henpecked 56
You can dust with sevin powder.Some people put the sevin in a bag,put the hen in,close around the neck and get that dust around.Me, I just patted the sevin on the rump and under the wings.

I had a hen with a huge bloat at the rear.It eventually burst and got infected. I culled her.Should have culled her before,but I kept hoping the swelling would go down.

Hope you have better luck. I just found another hen with chest swelling.A squishy mass the size of a baseball.My third hen with this issue. I have had more problem with health issues than predators!

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