Blood in chick poop

Jul 22, 2021
I have 12 chicks that are 2 weeks old in the brooder, last night before bed I checked on them and there was a partial poop that looked red, so I cleaned out the brooder and found a little water had leaked under the bricks I had raised waterer up on and it smelled musty like mold or mildew was going to grow, I just added these bricks a few days ago to keep the bedding out of the water. After scrubbing the whole thing down, threw out the bricks and replaced them with new ones with paper towels under to soak up any leaks and plan to replace the paper towels daily now and rotate the bricks so they are always dry. I watched them for almost 2 hrs last night and they were all acting fine, eating and drinking fine and only 1 had a watery poop but no red. Today they're still acting fine, eating and drinking but there was a poop with red spots. They're on medicated chick starter and I've been putting unfiltered acv in their water since I got them a week and a half ago. I didn't get any poop pictures but I can take some if necessary. Does it sound like coccidiosis or something else? I've ordered corid and sav a chick electrolytes and probiotics that'll be here tomorrow. Is there anything else I should do?
It does sound like cocci. The sooner you can start corrid the better chance of survival.
What is the measurement? I've ordered the liquid corid 9.6% solution. They don't drink a whole gallon yet so if I can make a smaller batch to not waste so much would be ideal. Out of curiosity, could I make the gallon and store it in the fridge and then give them half a gallon each day?
What is the measurement? I've ordered the liquid corid 9.6% solution. They don't drink a whole gallon yet so if I can make a smaller batch to not waste so much would be ideal. Out of curiosity, could I make the gallon and store it in the fridge and then give them half a gallon each day?
I'm not 100% sure. It's been a while since I've had to treat for cocci. I do remember I have them some through a medicine dropper for the first dose then put it in the water. Make sure thts the only water source they have lso. Hopefully someone cn come along and give you the proper measurements.
I'm not 100% sure. It's been a while since I've had to treat for cocci. I do remember I have them some through a medicine dropper for the first dose then put it in the water. Make sure thts the only water source they have lso. Hopefully someone cn come along and give you the proper measurements.
Another question, I was planning to start taking them outside in the next few days to begin introducing them to the older chicks in a separate run but that's on hold now, how long after treatment should I wait? The older chicks are 8 weeks this weekend so I don't want to infect them too. I just learned yesterday it's advised to quarantine new birds for at least 2 weeks so I'm glad I kept them inside away from the other's.
Another question, I was planning to start taking them outside in the next few days to begin introducing them to the older chicks in a separate run but that's on hold now, how long after treatment should I wait? The older chicks are 8 weeks this weekend so I don't want to infect them too. I just learned yesterday it's advised to quarantine new birds for at least 2 weeks so I'm glad I kept them inside away from the other's.
If I'm remembering correctly you treat with the higher dose for 7 days then with a lower dose for another 7 days. So if you want to wait until you finish the treatment then 14 days.

Where did you get these chicks from?
If I'm remembering correctly you treat with the higher dose for 7 days then with a lower dose for another 7 days. So if you want to wait until you finish the treatment then 14 days.

Where did you get these chicks from?
They all came from tractor supply, 8 week olds from 1 store and the 2 week olds from another on opposite ends of town. Idk if all tsc locations get their chicks from the same hatchery here
It's only 5 am so my package hasn't come in but yesterday I was searching natural methods of treating it and I found one that said to add oregano, turmeric, 1 minced garlic clove with a treat so I made scrambled eggs with all that and they ate most of it. I still plan to treat them with corid as soon as it arrives and I was just trying to buy some time by preventing anyone from getting lethargic and I'm not seeing any red poop this morning, the one I think it was coming from has had very runny poo, I've seen it go twice today and it's this color in the picture I found and it's pretty smelly, all the other's still have normal poop. I've decided to change the bedding daily for good measure. Everyone is still acting, eating, and drinking like normal so I'm hopeful these little things are helping.
That dropping is a typical cecal dropping. The 2 ceca are located between the small and large intestines, and food is fermented there for digestion. It stinks and is very sticky/shiny.

You can mix a whole gallon and put out as much as you wish. It doesn’t have to be refrigerated, but stored in a clean container. But it may be easier to mix 1/2 tsp per quart daily. I find that having a gallon size waterer is less likely to get knocked over by chicks who like to fly on top.

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