I have 17 mixed-breed chicks, ages 6-8 weeks, hatched during our county's fair. I noticed blood in their stools & medicated them with Sulmet for coccidiosis (sp?) about 2 weeks ago. About a week ago I noticed there was still blood in their stools, so medicated them with Wazine for worms. This week there is still blood in their stools.
Otherwise, they are growing/eating/drinking/acting/pooping fine. They are kept in an ark on grass, eating unmedicated Country Acres chick start & grow and whatever else they can get their beaks into. I only notice the blood when I keep them in a cage on the patio during cool nights (we're in SE Fla) it's on the paper under the cage's wire bottom.
I wonder if I should worm them again? If so, how soon? Should I switch to medicated start & grow? Leave well enough alone? Please advise.
Thank you,
Carol in Florida
Otherwise, they are growing/eating/drinking/acting/pooping fine. They are kept in an ark on grass, eating unmedicated Country Acres chick start & grow and whatever else they can get their beaks into. I only notice the blood when I keep them in a cage on the patio during cool nights (we're in SE Fla) it's on the paper under the cage's wire bottom.
I wonder if I should worm them again? If so, how soon? Should I switch to medicated start & grow? Leave well enough alone? Please advise.
Thank you,
Carol in Florida