Blood in run


10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
I just checked on my chickens, i noticed blood , pure blood, no feces of any kind with it. I cant tell whi it is from, as they all appear happy. Could this be cocci ? Could it be from a hen that hasnt laid me an egg in a long while, do i treat for cocci just in case? Will it hurt them to treat fot that if it isnt cocci, what to do !!!!??
I looked, but couldnt see any blood on any of the birds. they are all acting fine???
The cocci meds i have is the sodium sulfamethazine, says not to use on laying birds???
I had a Buff Brahma that broke a feather on her foot and it bled. There were big drops of blood on the poop board under the roost and it looked like something terrible but that was all it was. Maybe someone cut a foot or broke a feather or..........If it didn't have poop in it, I might think it was something else.
I would not use a medication on my hens unless i knew they needed it for sure. Maybe a comb got pecked, just keep an eye on them for a day or so.
That would be my problem too, all of mine are layers. At this point I would not medicate until you figure out which one it is/ what it is. Hopefully someone on her will have had this happen. Did you check the cocci symptoms?
Indeed it was !!! My australorp hen has a wounded toenail!!!
You would have thought by all the blood it was worse, i looked, her toe has stopped bleeding, but, pretty messy in coop, run and nest box, whew!! Darn chickens have been upsetting me this week

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