Blood transfusion mistake questions....

Just a quick update.

Her hemoglobin is at 6.9. Thinking of another transfusion. Correct blood type this time of course.
Her kidneys have begun to 'wake up' and they are at 10% function.

Baby steps....
Oh that is wonderful to hear! Hopefully she can regain more function in the next few days, weeks, and months!

I certainly hope this transfusion goes better than the next. I bet the one giving it will be watched like a hawk to make sure everything is correct.
I have been an RN for 15 years and worked in a hosp for a lab for 10 years prior to that and have never heard of this happening. Or maybe it was just hushed up. Hope your friend is ok.

Thank you. She is in a specialized Kidney Center at a large Urban Hospital. She is in good hands there.
We are as stunned as anyone could be. This was a small county hospital is a rural community. Things tend to move at a slower pace, trauma cases are few and far between. ER seldom has a wait of more than 15 mins. Generally not chaotic. Patient records are available at a mouse click, including blood type etc.

So how this happened, I dont know. As things progress and the family considers seeking financial support for the resulting medical expenses, I am sure we will hear more of the details.

I am just glad that things are on the up swing for her. She is a wonderful person, great mother to a pre-teen son.
Keep her in your thoughts and prayers please.
They might not even have to sue or go to court. A lot of times a hospital will just very quietly settle. They probably don't want it to get out into the news and would be more than willing to 'consider'.
I'm sorry about your friend, I hope she heals well...

I have to say that hospitals mess up every day, in ways that can be life threatening. It is sad but true. I've had antibiotics twice while hospitalized. I'm allergic to penicillin type antibiotics, and in each stay it was red flagged on my chart and I had a red alert wrist band. In both cases, had I not been paying attention, I would have been given IV antibiotics that I was allergic to. My allergies are not life threatening, and I was lucky. Far too many people are not.
I am praying for your friend and her family and you. I am so sorry this happened. Keep us posted.
That your friend makes a complete and full recovery.
In my 27 years as a medical transcriptionist, I have only heard of this happening once or twice. Every patient that comes in as a trauma is immediately typed and crossed. What a mess! It's hard to say who or where or what, but it sounds as if somebody somewhere along the line was asleep at the wheel.

That being said, there are some people who have a similar paradoxical reaction to even compatible blood type when they receive transfusion. It's like organ rejection.

If your friend is otherwise healthy and is only 42, she will probably do well as it sounds like she is already making improvements. I'm not a doctor or nurse, but you learn a thing or two when you transcribe histories, physical exams, labs, operative reports, etc., for 27 years, so my comments are ONLY my opinion. Just tell her to do whatever her doctors NOW tell her to do and to stay on top of whatever blood work they have her continue to do long-term. Kidney function isn't something to mess around with, as I'm sure we all know.

Yeah, 6.9 hemoglobin is dangerously low. They'll probably transfuse her at least 2 units and probably boost her with iron supplements, though the iron may have to wait until her renal function improves. They'll be keeping a close watch on her BUN and creatinine to monitor her kidneys.

Best wishes & big warm hugs to you and your friend. Hope she recovers and goes home soon!

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