Bloody comb.

Brady bunch

Jul 8, 2019
Our chickens are going through the pecking order and their combs have been bleeding from others pecking at them. Is there anything I can get to make sure that their combs heal faster and/or something that can make sure the comb doesn’t get infected?
Our chickens are going through the pecking order and their combs have been bleeding from others pecking at them. Is there anything I can get to make sure that their combs heal faster and/or something that can make sure the comb doesn’t get infected?
Can you post some photos?
Combs generally heal fine without anything applied to them.
When I introduced my second momma hen and her babies to my flock (very slowly), she was the bully protecting her chicks. At some point, the other hens must have put her in her place, cuz I found her with a bloody comb. She was fine the next day though, it basically healed overnight, and now they can all be in the coop together.

I remember reading a thread about blue ointment you can put on it, maybe you can search for that for more suggestions?
We are trying with more space in the run. But they mostly peck at each other in the coop on the roost.
Sorry. They are around 26 weeks. We have 6 birds. Roost is 3ft. And coop is around 3 by 4 1/2ft.
They are letting you know that they do not have enough roost space.
And the coop is too small. You should either increase the size of the coop and run or downsize the flock.

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