Bloody Quail…any ideas?


Feb 20, 2024

One of my hens is bleeding from her abdomen. She was fine one minute then a couple of hours later there was blood on her foot, abdomen, and face. It looked like a crime scene in the hutch. When I took her out to look, it seems like the blood was coming from her breast area but I can’t find an actual break in the skin. I have isolated her but that seems to be stressing her out more than helping her. I have polysporin to apply but can’t find the wound. Could this be as simple as a broken pin feather? Does she need to stay in isolation?


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I've circled in red what looks like a wound. How secure is your pen? This could be from a rat. They can squeeze through smaller holes than you might think. It could also be from a rough spot in your wire that she flushed and scraped against.

Can you post pictures of her home?

In the meantime, get her clean, put her into a clean, warm tote and make sure she has food and water. She may be ready to go back out in as little as a day, or it might take a few days, but not more than that.

Thank you. I am attaching pictures of the enclosure. No one else was hurt. The bottom of the run is also lined with chicken wire.


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Also check her nails if you can't find any wounds on her abdomen. I had a bird pull a nail off that bled and he was holding his foot up to not put weight on it so of course his abdomen area was all bloody.
Looking at the pen, I'm still guessing rat or rough spot. Keep an eye open for rat droppings or missing eggs. At my old home I had a serious rat problem, and I would sometimes find eggshells pretty far away from the pens.

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