This evening I noticed a few bloody stools in my chicken coop and don’t know what’s wrong and how best to treat it. I have five 12-14 week old silkies in a 50 sq ft coop on pine shavings. They’re all acting normally and have healthy appetites. One, Ty, has been on the thin side and has lost a little weight recently (and is perhaps the most food-motivated) so I figured she had worms and was going to start them all on a feed store dewormer this weekend. In the past two days they’ve had continual access to water and been fed medicated grower mixed with layer, tomato, lettuce, seedless red grapes, plain yogurt on bread, meal worms and a new poultry seed mix (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, dried raisins, dried beets, dried broccoli). None of them have been vaccinated for cocci. They went on a road trip five days ago when I was coming back from winter break, which could have been stressful.
I’ve brought them all inside into my warm house and am putting sanitary pads on them to determine which one has bloody stools but don't know what to do next. Are bloody stools (soft but not diarrhea) sufficiently urgent to warrant a Saturday trip to a vet? If so, do I bring multiple chickens? I once brought a lone chicken with a leg injury to the vet, only to have her die from the stress, so I’m worried about doing more harm than good. What's likely to be the problem and what (apart from potentially taking them to the vet) should I do?
Also, if it's cocci, which I'm worried about, should I take them to a 24 hour vet tonight or wait till the morning? Or can I treat it at home?
I’ve brought them all inside into my warm house and am putting sanitary pads on them to determine which one has bloody stools but don't know what to do next. Are bloody stools (soft but not diarrhea) sufficiently urgent to warrant a Saturday trip to a vet? If so, do I bring multiple chickens? I once brought a lone chicken with a leg injury to the vet, only to have her die from the stress, so I’m worried about doing more harm than good. What's likely to be the problem and what (apart from potentially taking them to the vet) should I do?
Also, if it's cocci, which I'm worried about, should I take them to a 24 hour vet tonight or wait till the morning? Or can I treat it at home?
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