Bloody wing


5 Years
Mar 16, 2018
Rochester NY
This morning when I let the ducks out I noticed whispers wing was bleeding. I pour water on it then cleaned it with betadine diluted and then put tripple antibiotic ointment on it. Upon closer inspection it looks like a feather was plucked completely out leaving a whole. But there's raw skin exposed near where the feather came out. My question is, is there anymore I can do for her? I do have stuff I can put on it if the others peck at it. Keeping a close eye on her. Should I bring her inside? Does she need to be kept warm? It's in the 20s here. The coop is clean with fresh straw. Thanks in advance.


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It's hard to see the underlying damage with all the feathers, but I think you have done good as far as lavaging and applying an antibacterial ointment. If the injury is on the larger side, to protect the area from further desiccation, and contamination, you could apply non-adherent padding over top, wrap gauze around the wing a few times, and finally apply a layer of vet wrap to hold that in place. Doing that, you could probably leave her outside, just change the wrap every day or so, then take the bandage off after a few days.

Educate yourself on properly bandaging wings, and you will notice faster, and healthier healing time, than those whole leave it open. Using plenty of padding, and ensuring the bandage is not too tight will prevent irritation.

If the wound is rather minor, you may be able to get away just applying an ointment, and watching the wound for any sign of infection.
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I can take another pic. I do have stuff I can wrap it with.


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I cut some feathers away


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I cut some feathers away
Thanks for the pictures - what I'm seeing there doesn't look so bad, so you may be able to get away with just applying an antibacterial ointment to the area. Wing feathers injuries tend to bleed profusely which tends to make the injury seem more of a problem than it really is. Monitoring the area for the next few days would be good.
Ok, I feel it may be more irritated if I wrap it. I'll continue to keep it clean and apply antibiotic ointment to it. Make sure no one pecks at her. Thank you again so much for your help.
Hey, I'm having a problem. Whispers wing healed ok but then she received a fresh wound above that one. She is getting picked on. I've separated her from her sister but at night the only way to put her in the coop is to put her and my muscovy together on the boys side and put the boys with the remaining girls together on the girls side. Well now that's upset the balance and now the other ducks are starting to attack her not just her sister. During the day I have her alone in her own space but still in the pen around the others but they can't get her. What do I do? It feels like when I had too many males and they decided amongst themselves who had to go. I feel like they voted her out. I am worried ostara my muscovy might turn on her too. But for tonight she's safe. Should I bring her inside at night so the others don't resent her for having to be disrupted? I'm very upset and worried I don't want to rehome her. I've lost her sister to the snapping turtle. I already rehomed my males a few years ago. I don't want to loose her. Any advice is welcome thank you.

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