BLR Wyandotte chick color

Hatched these guys out tonight. Can't really see it, but I got some pretty durn light ones too. I'm sure they are splash.


ETA: The one on the far right looking into the camera is NOT a BLRW
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bsaffles hatched out some chickies that are lighter, I'll have to ask him to post his chickies here so you all can see his as well. So funny that this post came up because I was telling him that it kind of seems like the lighter ones end up being splash and always end up being hens. We'll see if yours (to the OP) and his are right to being pullets
I just had some hatch out last weekend, and a couple of mine are fairly light, but I don't think any I've hatched out over the years have come out as light as yours. I guess they must be the product of a couple of splashes, since splashes tend to get lighter with each new generation. My lightest ones have always come from two splash parents.

It's funny that you mention that the splashes seem to always end up hens. I have 13 splash hens and only 3 blue ones. All the light ones in this recent hatch are growing in their wing feathers faster than most of the dark ones. I've found that the girls tend to get their wing and tail feathers before the boys.
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BSF, are you taking a guess as to which sex your blrw are? I have 3 week olds and can already see bright red wattles. Just wondering.
I think you got your eggs from us and if you like splash BLRW you got lucky. Here is a picture of one of our light chicks feathering out and sometimes the flash in the camera or the brooder light bleaches a little color.


here is one that hatched yesterday


and this is what they should look like (after culling for the best ones)


and just to mess with Katy, here is a new SLW chick


But you also have to remember that we raise hundreds of chicks a year and cull down to the best ones, so the chicks you hatch might or might not look as good as the ones on our website so you have to turn around and raise some of your own chicks and keep the best ones. It does take time, or you can buy some adults and start that way. Also when improving the BLRW type and color there are some crosses that go about 5 generations back that pop up sometimes. For more information on the colors and types of BLRW visit the forum in
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B. Saffles Farms :

LOL, I havent yet, I dont want to get my hopes up. I may have to take some real close looks at them and make some guesses.

I'm hopin lots of hens for ya!

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