Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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I have two (pullets I think) right now that are 3 weeks 4/18/2013. I think they are the splash.
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I can finally post a bit more on this thread, I have 6 eggs from caj1985 baking in the bator right now! So excited, hopefully her high pullet to cockerel ratio will go for me!
I will admit that I am a bit lazy and have very little time to read thru the entire thread. BUT I would love to get some eggs from dr. bramwell. how do I go about contacting him directly or do I need to contact his office? I would be thrilled to get some eggs and raise them that came from Arkansas. My daughter and I just love our chicken business, eggs are hatching, selling the chicks, ducks, poults, etc. I've been able to quit my 24/7 job to stay at home and run our business.

so any help in contacting him would just be wonderful....I live about 7 hrs from there but I don't mind I can make a day of it.

thanks for any help!

Arkansas81 He only gives to 4Hers. Not for profit. He is very strict and with good reason. Sometimes at a speaking event he wil bring eggs and offer them to 4hers first. Then what ever is left over the adults can have.
how disappointing. my daughter isn't in 4h yet but we've been thinking about it. I've already got some eggs from I guess I can try again with her. oh well.
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