Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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Hi All!

We just went through our first heat wave. I have 5 Blue Egg Layers from the UofArkansas pullets at my place in Woodland and it was 108 here yesterday. The two Cockerels are 20 miles north where it was 110 yesterday. The pullets here barely panted. The Cockerels did very well too. At the place where the Cockerels are, the owner lost one of her Delaware pullets to the heat.

So, The Blue Egg Layers are heat hardy!
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Hi All!

We just went through our first heat wave. I have 5 Blue Egg Layers from the UofArkansas pullets at my place in Woodland and it was 108 here yesterday. The two Cockerels are 20 miles north where it was 110 yesterday. The pullets here barely panted. The Cockerels did very well too. At the place where the Cockerels are, the owner lost one of her Delaware pullets to the heat.

So, The Blue Egg Layers are heat hardy!
same up here though we only hit 100 no issues with the u of a's or the penedesenca / empordanesa my ameraucana where obviously not liking the heat
I lost one of my hens yesterday. She was dead under the roost with her neck broke when I went to collect eggs and feed and water last night. Apparently she startled under the roost and flew into it and broke her neck. For some reason, I have noticed that all of my splash are much more flighty than the blue or black, which makes absolutely no sense as the genetics are the same. Luckily I have two splash pullets at POL to take her place in the flock. She was the dominate hen and very aggressive so it will be much easier to integrate the juvies without her in there.
I lost one of my hens yesterday. She was dead under the roost with her neck broke when I went to collect eggs and feed and water last night. Apparently she startled under the roost and flew into it and broke her neck. For some reason, I have noticed that all of my splash are much more flighty than the blue or black, which makes absolutely no sense as the genetics are the same. Luckily I have two splash pullets at POL to take her place in the flock. She was the dominate hen and very aggressive so it will be much easier to integrate the juvies without her in there.
sorry about the hen. i have noticed lighter color in general seems to me more alert and flighty
I live in Town so I can't keep Roosters. I am keeping some at a Ranch in the country. Today I gave the owner of the ranch a Splash UofA blue. The pullet is staying in a pen next to the Cockerels.

The Boy sees the girl:

The Girl moves closer to watch the Boy Dance for Her:

Greetings again everyone! Any of you UofA owners selling hatching eggs still?

Check with Crystal, a couple of posts up.

My Blue Egg Layers are 20.5 weeks old and one of them laid their first egg today!

It is of course the little blue one on top of the eggs I collected today:

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2.5 weeks?! What the heck are you feeding those birds?!

20.5 weeks....Thank you for pointing out the error....
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