Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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I have my first Dozen of Blue Eggs from the Blue Egg Layers!

Almost time to go pick up my Cockerels and get them to the Egg Farm for Breeding!
I took a picture of my girl... I just noticed her eye duct is a little puffy; she might have a little bug going on. But anyway, she's crazy and flighty but I love her eyeliner and how her "hair" is always combed down.
I took a picture of my girl... I just noticed her eye duct is a little puffy; she might have a little bug going on. But anyway, she's crazy and flighty but I love her eyeliner and how her "hair" is always combed down.

She looks very nice!

My four pullets, 2 splash and 2 blue, laying very nicely so far. They have been laying for about three weeks and today there were 4 eggs in the nest box. One of them layed a 59G double yolker last week!
Hello everyone, I've been following this thread with great interest! I'm in southern Michigan far from all of you. Any chance that chicks or eggs will be available next year?
x2 I would love to get some as well. Preferably the hatching eggs.
I have hatching eggs available if anyone wants me to start collecting them again. We've been eating them due to demand slowing. LOL PM if interested.
Got my first two eggs yesterday from my 3 pullets. The are tiny (1.0 oz) but beautiful. I am really curious to track their laying rate.
Got my first two eggs yesterday from my 3 pullets. The are tiny (1.0 oz) but beautiful. I am really curious to track their laying rate.
My UofA Blues each laid an egg yesterday. The eggs were all in the 45G range, so a nice Medium already.
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