Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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I'm getting two eggs per day out of my two pullets. Eggs are up to about 1.5 ounces and I hope they continue to get larger. Color is a nice light blue and the eggs are perfect in form. If they get up to large I will be really happy. I am pleased so far.
I just called Dr Keith Bramwell. Seems there is a bit of misunderstanding about the blue egg layers. They do not have an ongoing program at UARK to develope these birds, he said it was just a little project due to a friend crossing BBS ameraucana with leghorns, and giving him some eggs. After reading about them, and being in Arkansas, I thought it would be interesting to obtain some of these eggs, but alass, no luck. I just wanted to let anyone else who might want to contact Dr Bramwell about this that there are no blue eggs available. He said it is an easy cross of ameraucana and leghorns to get the same thing.
TR in AR
Ah yes... But it's already been done with these birds so I just took advantage. Got my hatching eggs from caj1985 for a decent price and saved myself the work. If the eggs from them get to large or better and they keep laying well then I will be thrilled.
In the future, if you have success and enough blue eggs to disperse, I would like to trade for or buy a few to try, and if caj1985 reads this,
same goes. Also: keep us posted on what you learn and post a few pics if you don't mind.
Right now my birds are all molting. My pens look like someone had a pillow finght. I'll post when mine start back laying. It may be spring since I do not use additional lighting or heat.
Caj1985 is great to deal with... My eggs arrived in perfect condition and the hatch rate was excellent. You will do well to get them from her. I can be your backup if needed. I have a trio and am leaning towards breeding them to add another generation by spring.
How do the eggs compare to the cream legbar? If I understand correctly they both lay blue eggs, yes? Are the differences primarily in the birds vs. egg or am I missing something obvious?

The Swedish Flower Hens have finally tempted me away from my Speckled Sussex, so now I'm looking around to see what else may tempt me in the spring. :)
Hi Kelly,

I am hoping that some of the folks on here have experience with both breeds. My experience is limited to several weeks of laying by my two Ark blue egg layers and I would love to see an objective comparison between the two breeds. My birds have only laying for a few weeks and I am now getting 2 eggs a day from them. The eggs are perfectly shaped and a nice color. Right now they are still on the small side... 1.5-1.6 oz. they started out at 1.0 oz so they are getting bigger. I've heard of eggs in large to xtra large range maybe bigger but someone would have to confirm that. These birds will be definite keepers if they continue to lay the way they are and produce xtra large eggs. As for the SFHs I agree and decided on them over speckled Sussex. The eggs are larger , the birds are stunning and hopefully won't be as broody as the Sussex. I had two Mille fleur patterned SFHs just at point of lay that got cocci a few weeks ago and died before I realized what was going on . I tried to get more eggs but am going to have to wait until spring. I am so bummed
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