Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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I have one hen that has just started back laying (4 eggs in 4 days with no extra lighting) after molting so it will be a little while before I can ship eggs again. Hopefully the others will kick in soon.
I have one hen that has just started back laying (4 eggs in 4 days with no extra lighting) after molting so it will be a little while before I can ship eggs again. Hopefully the others will kick in soon.

Thanks for the update!

I am hoping mine will start soon too. They are coming out of a molt too.
I will probably be looking to buy some around May, which should be near peak production time anyhow.

I am debating between these and standard blue Ameraucana to breed back to birds that are very much like the U of A blues, a mix of White Leghorn/Ameraucana/Black Australorp. That hen is by far the friendliest chicken we have ever had and she lays a light blue/green egg just about every day.

How is the temperment of the U of A blues? Similar to leghorns?
I have found it depends upon socialization and the individual bird. Mine were extremely friendly as they were raised with Araucana and Faverolles until I added an outside cockerel that was nervous as they come. He has caused the entire coop to be extremely skittish. He isn't at all aggressive just very very flighty.
I will probably be looking to buy some around May, which should be near peak production time anyhow.

I am debating between these and standard blue Ameraucana to breed back to birds that are very much like the U of A blues, a mix of White Leghorn/Ameraucana/Black Australorp. That hen is by far the friendliest chicken we have ever had and she lays a light blue/green egg just about every day.

How is the temperment of the U of A blues? Similar to leghorns?

They are flighty but not aggressive. One Rooster did peck my Oldest daughter but did not leave a mark. He had been away from us for a while. The other Rooster did take a bit of time to settle in with the pullets for breeding. They are all doing well now.

They seem to be a bit less flighty than leghorns and a bunch less flighty than Penedesencas.
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