Blue Egg Layers from University of Arkansas

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Crested cream legbars are auto-sexing blue egg layers........
Why should the world have only one auto-sexing blue egg laying chicken breed? And in the short time I have had Cream Legbars, I have not been very impressed with their laying production. And it might give me something to talk to my son about who's in Med school and is too busy to talk to his dad but used to love our chickens together. Do I need more reasons?
Well! I can't even keep pictures of breeds of chickens organized on this phone......

And I am too senile to keep all of the genetics straight in my head......

So I will just have to keep reading and hope you guys can keep me straight.
I agree with you.. but how good are Jaerhons at laying?
I can only speak from what I've read and not from what I've experienced. They caught my attention from their being sex-linked, reported laying abilities of large white eggs, good temperament, nice appearance and smaller body which I personally like because I am more into eggs than butchering chickens.
I would love to do this with a group rather than on my own since I am not an expert by any means.
Not Really Rocket Science, at least not to me and I will make sure its not to you too.. its actually easy,

you croos your Blue egger hen a Jaerhon male, , this will produce blue/black barred looking birds with Peacombs(from blue egger) the I would take any F1 hens from this cross and mate it back to Jaerhon male , this cross will produce 50% Blue/Black chicks(with headspot), this blue/black chicks will be Culls.... 50% of the rest of the chicks will look like Jaerhons, keep the ones with peacombs, this will be the Autosexing Blue egger Jaerhons you are need ing... you see EASY...!

Jaerhon Male x Blue blue egger

F1 Blue Barred Hens x Jaernon Male

around 25% of your backcross will be blue egger Jaerhons(with pea comb)
So the timeline would be;
- Year 2014 Hatch both breeds.
- 2015 cross Jaerhon Male x Blue egger hen
- 2016 cross Blue Barred Hens x Jaerhon Male
- 2017 cull 75% of hens not laying blue eggs and cross remaing 25% with ??? male

Do I have the rocket part of the science yet?
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Ok, I read this twice....... are you trying to make the Arkansas blue autosexing........... or the jaerhons blue egg layers?
@enola I have to admit to raising neither breed yet but from reading a good deal about both, I have ordered hatching eggs from each breed. I also in my reading have come to like the Jaehons better so I am thinking of a blue egg jaerhon. Give me a year with the birds and my mind may change. I may hate them both.
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