BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

this is straight from Greenfires web site they say The chicks produced by blue isbars can be blue, black, white, or splash.
I still think the color is splash. I know Greenfire did that with the white SFH, which are actually genetically splash. I have haven't seen an all white Isbar yet.
I haven't seen an all-white one, either. I have a splash hen, but she has the normal streaks of darker feathers throughout.

I've got eggs being incubated by a friend, and she candled last night... looks like 8/11 are developing nicely!
My first isbar eggs are on their way and should be here today! I'm very excited. Greenfire is selling some on Rare Breed Auctions; it sounds like it's something new for them. After the weather warms up a bit, I hope to get a few more from the west coast.... Send me good shipping/incubating vibes, please. It sounds like these guys may be a bit more fragile (physiologically) than a lot of other breeds. I'll keep you posted!
I've got 6 Isbar eggs on the way. The parent birds are gorgeous! They are all a beautiful blue, except 1 hen that's splash- she's white with blue speckles. Can't wait to get them here
I wish you all a great hatch! I've had a fairly hard time getting good hatches, but I'll keep trying. Until then, here's a little Isbar sweetness for you:


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