BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

sad to report that the little black isbar chick, who hatched slower and later than the rest, has not made it -- just not strong enough. but the other five chicks are doing great on day 5.
*wants chicks from dfdesign's minty eggs* I know, try wait...
Mine have no trouble hatching in my GQF at regular temp and humidity settings. However they are ALWAYS the last to hatch of all the breeds, 12-24 hours after everybody else. How are their air cell size at lockdown?
You're the 2nd person to tell me that they are slow in hatching....maybe I need to just leave them in there a day or two more. My air cells are great size at I know that's not the problem. I think I'll just start leaving them in a day or two longer and see if that does the trick! Thanks!
I have two roosters to sell if anybody needs one. One is a black and one is a splash. PM me if you are interested.
Those are some very pretty eggs! I love the shade.

So sorry about the little black chick...

I have noticed that mine hatch late, too. Anybody hatching should *definitely* leave the incubator running for additional days (I've had them go three days late in my Dickey cabinet)!

Patience, Candi. Round #2 is on the way!
Those are some very pretty eggs! I love the shade.

So sorry about the little black chick...

I have noticed that mine hatch late, too. Anybody hatching should *definitely* leave the incubator running for additional days (I've had them go three days late in my Dickey cabinet)!

Patience, Candi. Round #2 is on the way!
YES!! Actual tracking information...what a concept, USPS!

So far, 13/14 Marans have hatched, #14 is zipping. Love hatch days

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