BLUE ISBARS - Pictures and discussion

We just can't help ourselves can we Kathy? Don't you have some fencing to put up?
for those of you that have this breed, I have a question.
Are your blue isbars anti-social? Mine hide all the time. They are separated from the rest of my breeds and I have to hang out for a while just to get a glimpse of them, they stay inside. I am not sure if they are shy or just don't like the cold? Of course time will tell, but was wondering what anyone else was experiencing...
for those of you that have this breed, I have a question.
Are your blue isbars anti-social? Mine hide all the time. They are separated from the rest of my breeds and I have to hang out for a while just to get a glimpse of them, they stay inside. I am not sure if they are shy or just don't like the cold? Of course time will tell, but was wondering what anyone else was experiencing...

I wouldn't say mine were "anti-social", but mine would fall more under the "shy" category.
When they moved from the brooder house to their own pen (about 7 weeks old), they spent a lot of time in their shelter (I chalked part of this behavior up to the fact that they went out just as winter was setting in, and the first part of winter here was _cold_!). I rarely saw more than one or two out at a time, and when they saw me coming, they'd beat feet fast back to "safety".
I would torture them every few days by going right up to the doorway and blocking them in, just so I could do proper head counts and make sure all were well. They hated that! But, as they learned the routine, they would spend more time outside. Regular "treats" did the trick I think............they now know, like all the rest of my birds, that certain colors of buckets mean certain treats ("treats" meaning special foods like BOSS, ground boiled eggs, greens, etc), and they watch for that.
They are now just about 5 months old, and they greet me at the door every morning for their breakfast. It takes a bit to win them over, but their curiosity will get to them.

Enjoy.............they are such fascinating birds!
I just hatched out two blue isbars this morning - REALLY pretty chicks. Is there a way to sex them by feather colors/patterns? One is a light grey and the other is a darker grey.
Carol, are these from my eggs?

These were all girls except for one and I don't know which one any more.

Both of these were splash girls.

This was a black girl.

Yes - they're from the eggs I got from you! Thanks! Still have four other eggs in the bator, but don't see pips in any of them. The chicks are pretty - I'll get a photo later. One of mine look light like the chicks in your first pic - and then the other one is darker like your last pic. Maybe I have a girl and a boy. Time will tell.

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