Blue jersey giant


Jul 23, 2015
I've gotten menu answers on this and thanks. I'm not sure if my mystery bird is actually a cockerel. We got it as a pullet. Think it was. After asking a couple weeks ago we decided on cockerel. At this point it's 15 weeks. No crow yet. Any ideas??????
Some boys crow at just a few weeks old, some don't start until they are over 8 months old. Both extremes are completely normal, as is everything in between.
Just like with pullets and their first eggs, there is no date stamped on the bottoms of their feet. Nobody can predict exactly when the eggs or the crows will start.
In another month or so, he will look more like a rooster.
Spurs will start to develop after about 6 months of age.
Some boys crow at just a few weeks old, some don't start until they are over 8 months old. Both extremes are completely normal, as is everything in between. 
Just like with pullets and their first eggs, there is no date stamped on the bottoms of their feet. Nobody can predict exactly when the eggs or the crows will start.
In another month or so, he will look more like a rooster. 
Spurs will start to develop after about 6 months of age.

some will not crow in the presence of an Alpha rooster, because he will attack them
thanks! So would it be safe to look for another home?
Whether or not a rooster crows a lot is more down to individual personality rather than breed. I had one rooster that crowed all the time. His son only crows a few times a day. His grandson crows a LOT. I've got 12 cockerels right now, ages 10 weeks to 14 weeks. Only one is crowing.
Whether or not a rooster crows a lot is more down to individual personality rather than breed. I had one rooster that crowed all the time. His son only crows a few times a day. His grandson crows a LOT. I've got 12 cockerels right now, ages 10 weeks to 14 weeks. Only one is crowing.
alright. Anyway to pull a crow out now/ early? Just to get an all clear?

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