Blue laced red Wyandotte pullet or roo?


In the Brooder
Nov 6, 2022
I don’t know when they were born, but they’re at the very least 8-10weeks. I was hoping someone might have insight on if it is a pulley or a roo and could give me tips on how to correctly sex this breed. I included the first 4 photos of one bird, then the last 3 photos are a darker chickie who is so friendly and curious. Hopped on my lap while I was cleaning and nuzzles me for pets! I’ll be most likely keeping them regardless of their gender.

Thanks in advance for any help!

I think you have one cockerel and one pullet but I could be totally wrong.
What makes you think that?
Information i forgot to add:
I know ones got a larger comb/wattles, they are all different ages, and the breeder did say she was sure they were pullets last week. -they will give me replacement hens if someone is a roo; I’d rather do it sooner than later so they can get settled. If I am convinced someone is a rooster, I’ll reach back out to the farm but I’d rather not keep contacting them unless I’m sure
What makes you think that?
Information i forgot to add:
I know ones got a larger comb/wattles, they are all different ages, and the breeder did say she was sure they were pullets last week. -they will give me replacement hens if someone is a roo; I’d rather do it sooner than later so they can get settled. If I am convinced someone is a rooster, I’ll reach back out to the farm but I’d rather not keep contacting them unless I’m sure
Ah okay I was thinking because of the bigger comb and wattles and the color pattern but if the one is older then it could just be an early maturing female. Wyandottes sometimes develop early.
The first is a cockerel, the second a pullet. The first one has very thick legs, red shoulder patches without lacing, and a large comb and wattles. Those are the reasons I believe it is a cockerel.
That’s what I noticed too, the patchy coloring and comb, but then I thought maybe I was wrong lol
What makes you think that?
Information i forgot to add:
I know ones got a larger comb/wattles, they are all different ages, and the breeder did say she was sure they were pullets last week. -they will give me replacement hens if someone is a roo; I’d rather do it sooner than later so they can get settled. If I am convinced someone is a rooster, I’ll reach back out to the farm but I’d rather not keep contacting them unless I’m sure
I wouldn't trust that breeder, tbh, because if I know the first one is a cockerel, then they certainly must know.

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