Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

They look dark... maybe someone else will chime in on color. Not sure on the others, I was looking at the barring on the wings. The more barring the more likely a pullet.
They look dark... maybe someone else will chime in on color. Not sure on the others, I was looking at the barring on the wings. The more barring the more likely a pullet.

Do you have an example? I have 4 - 8 week olds that I can't tell the difference that I'm hoping to be able to have sexed!

Quote: I think I see your problem... wow... they look like pullets but the combs and wattles are too big. The first one I think is a pullet. Smaller comb and more defined lacing. The other 2 I would think roos. I was really only talking about the barring on the wings when they are chicks. See the pics that countrypunk92 posted.
I also can tell that the tails will come in on the females quicker then the males.. Also they combs on the males will redden quickly. and they have a more upright posture.

Donna...They are looking to be 4 males, 2 females. >< LOL praying they will magically poof into pullets.

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