Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Incledible how the chicks change so much inshort time, i love how this chick color is turning beautiful,
This is a pic of this chick at the 3th day of being home she was around 1-2 weeks old

This is at 10 days of being with us

And last but not least, this pics from today, she's around a month old

Agree, your she is a he but you can hope it's a she. The comb is pretty pronounced, pretty color. Give it a month & repost, like playing these guessing games...
I need your help guys i will appreciated your input about this, a local guy is selling this 3 BLRW some of you already know that this guy sent me pictures of this chicks and the parents and we realized that the chickens in the pics are Phaige chickens, but anyways, in the picture with the 3 chicks, one looks like blue but the rest looks black, the rest of the pictures were send to me a few moments ago, i need your input about this because i already have 2 that it looks like theyre gonna end up being Roosters, so i dont need more and i dont want black, i really want ablue laced red hen(s)








I need your help guys i will appreciated your input about this, a local guy is selling this 3 BLRW some of you already know that this guy sent me pictures of this chicks and the parents and we realized that the chickens in the pics are Phaige chickens, but anyways, in the picture with the 3 chicks, one looks like blue but the rest looks black, the rest of the pictures were send to me a few moments ago, i need your input about this because i already have 2 that it looks like theyre gonna end up being Roosters, so i dont need more and i dont want black, i really want ablue laced red hen(s)
i'm no pro, but they look like pullets to me. also the first and last look blue to me. the other one might be too, hard to tell in photos. many of my own dark blues start out looking black but lighten as they age.
Here is my new chick, I know she is not from a good line, but I think she is much prettier than my suspected roo. (From the same farm)
(2 weeks old) here is the other one at 2 weeks

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