Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Does anyone here know the genetic differences between a GLW and a black BLRW? I haven't been able to find an answer for this, just a mention that they are genetically different. I also haven't figured out how to tell the two apart.
for comparison purposes, I was convinced this was a boy at about 8wks and actively tried to rehome "him"...she is now 13 months and lays regularly...(sorry it's a little blurry)

whoa, thank you! that is really encouraging to hear :)
I have a "male" that I am wondering if it could actually be female. very large pink comb and wattles. but not getting any of the shiny feathering in on the back or wings like the other boys are starting to have. only time will tell. where is my patience? (I have none!) grow my little chicklets!!!
Male? (Almost 5 week old BLRW) I hope not....I only hatched 2 of these and the other is definitely male....

it is pink, and does have a nice comb, small wattles. I wouldn't count it out just yet... you never know. my females have quite a bit of pink in the face too. i just posted pics of them on the previous page :)

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