Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Does anyone else have as big a problem as I with a broody BLRW? In 4 months, this is her third time. Saturday, I will put her in the broody kennal.
Oh yes, I have 4 hens and all are broody. I actually had 5 but just recently lost one due to being so broody she wouldn't go eat or drink and with the high temps we had I'm sure she dehydrated herself besides being one of my last older hens, poor girl. I keep pulling them and try to give them water so they don't get so dehydrated but they are stubborn as all hell. I think I just may of finally broke them as had 3 eggs yesterday finally.
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Hi everyone, we just received 25+ straight run BLRW chicks in the mail(woo-hoo!). A friend who has been living with chickens for some 40 years came over today and had a good look at them, he says most of them are males. We don't mind waiting to see if this is true, but we are supposed to meet up with ShadesofSable tomorrow and sell her one of the chicks and I don't think she can have a roo.

My question is, what is the best way to determine the sex of 2 week old BLRW? I have studied vent sexing but am not sure I am comfortable enough to squeeze them. I just really don't want to sell her a roo.

I have honestly googled a bunch, but am confused as to what to look for on a two week old. He seemed pretty sure that they were mostly boys.

Thanks in advance.
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With my Columbian Wyandotte, at two weeks, you should be able to see a tiny button on the leg that will be the cockerel spur. The legs will be slightly thicker than the young pullets. Some neck feathers will show a sharp point.
It would be much easier to tell the difference at four weeks.
With my Columbian Wyandotte, at two weeks, you should be able to see a tiny button on the leg that will be the cockerel spur. The legs will be slightly thicker than the young pullets. Some neck feathers will show a sharp point.
It would be much easier to tell the difference at four weeks.

Okay. Thanks a bunch.
I am terrible with rose and pea combs. They both have such small combs right now.
I took some more pictures today of her. Here is her comb.

And here she is.

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