Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Been a while since I posted too. I started with 15 chicks from 2 different breeders, ended up with 5 girls and the rest boys. Found new homes for the extra Roos and just kept one splash. The girls are 2 blue and 3 splash and all 6 birds are beautiful (at least to me). Here's a few pics.


Been a while since I posted too. I started with 15 chicks from 2 different breeders, ended up with 5 girls and the rest boys. Found new homes for the extra Roos and just kept one splash. The girls are 2 blue and 3 splash and all 6 birds are beautiful (at least to me). Here's a few pics.



I think they are beautiful! Where did you get them?
@ RobG7aChattTN Thx for the post. I will keep you in mind. Do your Wyandotte's lay all winter? I have been lucky that mine did last year. I have 2 black roo's and they both give me nice black chicks that lean hard toward the female side. But all my hens are black but one and she is just getting older and rarely lays and I haven't hatched anything of hers for a long time. I messed up and sold the last 2 blue chicks she gave me and now all I get are blacks from the rest of the gang.

While Black is my fave of the 3, I would like to get some variation in the flock. Please let me know when you start to sell again. I am not too far that I would meet you somewhere to buy.

Thanks again. Anyone else parting with babies before the cold sets in? They will be pampered....metal carport cover over double fenced pens. Housing and fresh hay/chips/lights.
our girls are molting right now. not so pretty. they are only 9 months old! I thought it would be until spring.
@ RobG7aChattTN Thx for the post. I will keep you in mind. Do your Wyandotte's lay all winter? I have been lucky that mine did last year. I have 2 black roo's and they both give me nice black chicks that lean hard toward the female side. But all my hens are black but one and she is just getting older and rarely lays and I haven't hatched anything of hers for a long time. I messed up and sold the last 2 blue chicks she gave me and now all I get are blacks from the rest of the gang. While Black is my fave of the 3, I would like to get some variation in the flock. Please let me know when you start to sell again. I am not too far that I would meet you somewhere to buy. Thanks again. Anyone else parting with babies before the cold sets in? They will be pampered....metal carport cover over double fenced pens. Housing and fresh hay/chips/lights. :D
have to admit that my birds haven't been the best layers. My older hens took a long time to start laying and then after finally getting a few months of good egg production they went into a molt and I got very few eggs. They also have been abnormally aggressive toward any pullet chicks that I've tried to add to the flock. The unrelated rooster that I used to produce the newer pullets seems to have produced better layers that are also more laid-back and friendly. I now have yet another unrelated rooster to add genes from yet another strain. I still have my older birds but I'm trying to move toward friendlier, better layers. I'll probably get rid if my older hens next summer after I've gotten eggs from them in the spring and when the chicks that I'm hatching out with the new rooster are old enough to replace them.
My girls laid eggs all last winter. I ended up incubating some of those eggs. Now they are older so I'll see what happens.

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