Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I am sure he is a nice pet.
I appreciate comments like this. It is refreshing and honest.
If you are going to post a picture on a BLRW thread of a bird that doesn't show an accurate representation of what the breed should be, then be prepared to hear other peoples comments. Especially if you ask for them. He is a "pet quality" BLRW. There are many people working very hard to move this breed forward and I have personally seen way too many birds on here that are a disgrace to this breed. If we aren't honest with people about the quality of their birds (especially when asking) then people won't learn. If the owner was considering breeding this bird and everyone on here said "nice roo" then they may feel more inclined to do so. Which would only add to the gene pool more BLRWs that do not give a good representation of this breed, thus moving it backwards instead of forward.
I am by no means suggesting people should be rude! (And if I came across as such, I'm sorry!) There is always a nice way to say something honestly. Delisha's comment was in my opinion nice.
That all said, I am the proud owner of several "pet quality" BLRWs and LOVE them just the same! However, I would never breed them and I have been open to opinions when posting my birds on this thread. I hope everyone would be honest with me when I'm asking for opinions, it's how I learn.
I was thinking the same thing. No bird is perfect, but you have to have something to work with and I think a breeding candidate has to have strengths to compensate for faults or weaknesses. I'm a newbie but have been told if you're going to put the time, effort, and expense into breeding something, you should start with the best quality you can.
Quote: I would be delighted to give my opinion. It is just an opinion. Opinions have no value if they are not used to learn. My opinion is not used to hurt. It is to share.
You have to build the structure first. This breed is round. Think bowling ball. Your color lacing should be deep mahogany. The wings should be level and tight at the sides.
And yes, in my opinion this is a very nice pet. Pets have great value!
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Quote: I would be delighted to give my opinion. It is just an opinion. Opinions have no value if they are not used to learn. My opinion is not used to hurt. It is to share.
You have to build the structure first. This breed is round. Think bowling ball. Your color lacing should be deep mahogany. The wings should be level and tight at the sides.
And yes, in my opinion this is a very nice pet. Pets have great value!
I guess I don't like those dark colors. As for his wings, he was in the middle of strutting his stuff and flapping them. LOL. Thanks for your opinion. I should actually take better pictures. These aren't to good. Maybe I will get him in the sunlight tomorrow. Thanks again.
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I guess I don't like those dark colors. As for his wings, he was in the middle of strutting his stuff and flapping them. LOL. Thanks for your opinion. I should actually take better pictures. These aren't to good. Maybe I will get him in the sunlight tomorrow. Thanks again.
I love my splash just as much as my blue's. To me it makes my flock "POP". I can't wait till tomorrow - Fri....CHICKIES hatching..I will be posting pics

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