Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!


To young to know, they have a few moults to go through before you can tell (usually around 6 months).

just hatched from shipped eggs under my broody. "Mom" is a slw, but these are my first blrw. I was hoping for blue or black, but not necessarily splash. Any consensus on whether I got my wish? (the one on the right looks a tad lighter). Also, is the speckling on two of their heads normal marking?
In can't see the one on the right real well, but the others look like blues for sure.

just hatched from shipped eggs under my broody. "Mom" is a slw, but these are my first blrw. I was hoping for blue or black, but not necessarily splash. Any consensus on whether I got my wish? (the one on the right looks a tad lighter). Also, is the speckling on two of their heads normal marking?

just hatched from shipped eggs under my broody. "Mom" is a slw, but these are my first blrw. I was hoping for blue or black, but not necessarily splash. Any consensus on whether I got my wish? (the one on the right looks a tad lighter). Also, is the speckling on two of their heads normal marking?
I would say you got your wish. :)
I have 8 other breed chicks with 4 blue laced reds, so I have something to compare to, these chicks change every day. It's amazing. Their range of colors and individual colors on each bird are so beautiful, and unique. My other breeds are cool too, but, wow . WOW. Blrw are the best breed for variety within one breed,with out having mixes.

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