Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Did you want cockerels?...I am not going to say it.
I just bought some BLRW yesterday because they are AMAZINGLY beautiful birds. I have no idea if the ones I bought are even close to standard, but they sure is nice to be lookin at!

I thought they were all female when I bought them, but now I'm having my doubts. Their names are Flora (red band) Fauna (green band) and Merryweather (blue band) and I was told they are 3 months old. I bought them for 20 bucks each (pun intended) what do you think of them? Was I ripped off? Even if I was, I don't care, because I'm already in love. They are so soft and gentle.. well except Flora... but I'd be interested to hear what you all think of them...


Full-on shot of Fauna above

Full-on shot of Flora above

Merryweather with her face turned away

Bahahahaha!! Do you really think they're all roos? Suckage. Even Fauna?

I figured they were too young, thanks though!
One of them has a comb that is pinker than the others and has a bigger chest and stands up more, the others combs are more orangey.
About how old can the sex be determined?
I have sometimes been able to tell sex at birth, they were more solidly built. You could feel a hardness in their stomach area. They always stood up straighter and if you had them in a relaxed group and made a screeching noise, the males stood at attention and the females crouched down. Not very scientific, but some chicks just are born "all male" and you know right away. I also believe, in my experience, that the females feather out faster than the males. Especially around the tail and shoulders. Other than that, 4-6 weeks is about when you can really start seeing a difference. The wattles will start growing early in a male.
is it a growing trend to "off" cockerels as "pullets" to unsuspecting people? it seems to happen a lot.
I'm sorry if you've gotten some new roo's when you thought they are pullets.
that just happened to someone else on here just the other day. on this thread too.
is it a growing trend to "off" cockerels as "pullets" to unsuspecting people? it seems to happen a lot.
I'm sorry if you've gotten some new roo's when you thought they are pullets.
that just happened to someone else on here just the other day. on this thread too.

Happened to me! :( its one thing to say you can't tell the sex or sell as straight run but to promised pullets when they are not is awful!!!! If they say straight run then at least you know what your getting into and that its a gamble!
Quote: if the 'rooster man' isn't around, ive been known to give roos away just to lighten my feed bill... rooster man pays $5 each for lf roos, so it's worth it to drag them to the swaps. LOL

but for intentionally selling roosters as pullets, if I can tell the difference, i'll be honest and tell you. usually pointing out the differences so others can see it too.

it irritates me that other people do dishonest things like that and give everyone else a black eye.

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