Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Yeah, remember my 3 roos that sere supposed to be pullets? They have mites. Good think I didn't break quarantine just yet. I doused them all with DE and the coop too. I'm making a trip to the feed store for something stronger. I also dusted all my other birds and the run, in case I had some contamination from my clothes or shoes. Anything else I should do?


IMO DE is not very effective... dusting the coop with sevin dust (5-7%) works well, and treating the birds with pour on ivermectin for cattle (spot on, for the chickens) is usually 99% effective. I usually treat 7-10 days later for any eggs that might have survived/hatched. I do the first dose orally (injectable version of ivermectin) for new birds tho, to get any internal parasites too. then spot the second round.

I have dusted birds directly with sevin dust 5% but that was an extreme case. got a canary with air sac mites that were pretty bad. paper lunch bag, small shake of sevin, insert canary seal and shake... taken on the word of an old man, and you know what? it worked! he lived 2 more years after that..
Yeah, remember my 3 roos that sere supposed to be pullets? They have mites. Good think I didn't break quarantine just yet. I doused them all with DE and the coop too. I'm making a trip to the feed store for something stronger. I also dusted all my other birds and the run, in case I had some contamination from my clothes or shoes. Anything else I should do?


Sometimes less is best. Good animal husbandry management practices. Wood ash for a dust bath.
Yeah, remember my 3 roos that sere supposed to be pullets? They have mites. Good think I didn't break quarantine just yet. I doused them all with DE and the coop too. I'm making a trip to the feed store for something stronger. I also dusted all my other birds and the run, in case I had some contamination from my clothes or shoes. Anything else I should do?


I use the dog drops on the back of their necks. The kind that says for mites, ticks, fleas, etc. It costs the same for the large dog size as it does for the small dog size and it goes a long way. I also use Sevin's dust and do the shake and bake thing. Put some of the dust in a plastic bag, put the chicken in up to its neck and close the plastic around its neck and kind of roll the chicken around in it. Maybe an extra sprinkle of the dust under their wings. LOL It 30 minutes the mites are dead! The dog drops will keep them away.
What dosage?
I just put a drop or two on the back of their necks. Like I said, you pay the same for any size tube . So, I get the largest tubes, put some in a jar and take a medicine dropper and just put one or two drops on their neck. If you have a large bird, two drops, a small bird, just one. Works great.
I just put a drop or two on the back of their necks. Like I said, you pay the same for any size tube . So, I get the largest tubes, put some in a jar and take a medicine dropper and just put one or two drops on their neck. If you have a large bird, two drops, a small bird, just one. Works great.
Thank you.
Just got new BLR settled in the are a foley hen and a bill Braden Roo both are the best show quality my money could buy I had to all most sell the farm but was not letting them get away

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