Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

If you mate:

Blue X Blue = 50% Blue . 25% Black , 25% Splash

Blue X Splash = 50% Blue , 50% Splash

Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black

Splash X Black = 100% Blue

Black X Black = 100% Black

Splash X Splash = 100% Splash

These are based on mating of 100 chicks. It is possible to have varying results when breeding smaller #'s when the law of average has yet to take effect.

Here is a pic of one of my splashes, same age
[COLOR=000037]If you mate: [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]Blue X Blue = 50% Blue . 25% Black , 25% Splash[/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]Blue X Splash = 50% Blue , 50% Splash [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black[/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]Splash X Black = 100% Blue [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]Black X Black = 100% Black [/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]Splash X Splash = 100% Splash[/COLOR]

[COLOR=000037]These are based on mating of 100 chicks. It is possible to have varying results when breeding smaller #'s when the law of average has yet to take effect.[/COLOR]

Ah ha! Thank you! Marking it as well!
Alrighty. I'm back with 8wk old pics. I attempted to get a body/profile picture and a comb picture. Not entirely successful for getting the angles I wanted on some, but I think they will do the job. I hope. Gender guesses?

White-band Chick

Blue-band chick (black laced red)

No-band chick (it would NOT cooperate)

And Pink-band chick (poorest lacing/red so far, but I'm hoping it'll improve with the next molt.)

If genders are what I suspect they are, I need to either get more chicks, or get more eggs. *sigh*
I think you know the sexes..

Just keep an eye on the hack and saddle feathers for any type of shinny pointed feathers. Usually at 8 weeks if you have big wattles, you have a male. (I already see pointy feathers developing on them)
I think you know the sexes..

Just keep an eye on the hack and saddle feathers for any type of shinny pointed feathers. Usually at 8 weeks if you have big wattles, you have a male. (I already see pointy feathers developing on them)

Any chance you think white band will end up a pullet?

Ugh. I should buy chicks. I'm tired of getting excited about egg development and then having a 30% hatch rate.

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