Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Over here in England we have loads of bantam Wyandotte breeders but not many large fowl breeders, I have a neighbour with some trios of BLRW and I really like them, all I have is a gold laced roo and a gold laced hen with 3 GLchicks and a silver pencilled hen and silver laced hen and some other breeds but I do want some blue
Over here in England we have loads of bantam Wyandotte breeders but not many large fowl breeders, I have a neighbour with some trios of BLRW and I really like them, all I have is a gold laced roo and a gold laced hen with 3 GLchicks and a silver pencilled hen and silver laced hen and some other breeds but I do want some blue
Hey there, I breed BLRW. I sell chicks, pullets and hatching eggs :) I know exactly how hard it is to find decent birds, I spent 2 years finding good hens and have traveled all over the country to retrieve new breeding birds ;D Where abouts are you?

She's starting to get some lacing! Yay!
These would look better if the photographer was any good.
OR had a better camera... can't say enough about my Canon Rebel T3. Mom just got the newer version, the T3i. higher megapixels.

that's what I used, with zoom lens, to get the mini-me pic yesterday, among others.

lens is 75-300mm auto-focus. no filters or anything else, taken with the automatic settings.

got these pics yesterday.

I was calling her blackbeard, hubby decided on blackhead. LOL

my silver laced cochin roo.

12 week old silver laced cochin pullet... the best of 4...
her lacing is coming in better as her new feathers come in!
crossing fingers she's got good type AND lacing, to go with the roo above.

junior (silver grey dorking) with his comb healed from the hawk attack...

and my newest bunch. Silver grey dorkings.
I tried to buy these guys last year and she wouldn't sell...
7 girls 1 roo. all very nice type and size.

my blue sfh girl. look close she's got some gold in her hackles. very pretty in the sun.

closeups of my crested sfh roo's head.
(and yes, I know he's got side sprigs on the comb...)

my crested sfh girl

and the mille fleur SFH pullet playing peekaboo.

Anyone have a critique on this little guy?
He is the bluest one I have, think his color will improve as he gets older?
They do get darker with age.
Body conformation is more important.
Wide head, nice arched neck, round solid body, deep chest, wide placed yellow legs. Tight level wings.
Color can be improved with the right breeding if the body is correct.

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