Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have been following this thread for a year and love seeing all the beautiful photos of everyone's birds! I can't take credit for these because I didn't breed them, but I thought I would share anyway.






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We don't seem to have that problem here? I had th buy the rooster I wanted (an EE) and there only one rooster on Craigslist and they want $8 for him. I bought these two as sexed pullets. I'm pretty sure most everyone out here eats the roos.

But anyway, I see people trading, selling, and giving away chickens on here all the time. I thought that would be better than craigslist since I can't kill them.
I posted at the wrong time I guess... Anyone want to gender guess? Or comment?
This chick I thought would be black, it's looking blue now! Any gender guess's?

My splash, I have been thinking a rooster all along because of how it acts

And the last one


Their hatch date is around June 8
I have been following this thread for a year and love seeing all the beautiful photos of everyone's birds! I can't take credit for these because I didn't breed them, but I thought I would share anyway.

Wow!! Very nice!
If you get tired of them let me know and I'll drive over an pick them up! Who's the breeder?
I have been following this thread for a year and love seeing all the beautiful photos of everyone's birds! I can't take credit for these because I didn't breed them, but I thought I would share anyway.

I would like to see more photos of this bird..the color looks outstanding

beautiful colors in your birds


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