Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I am new to this breed and trying to figure out if my new roo is a blue or splash. He is a teeny bit lighter in person. I can't seem to wrap my head around the difference between blue and splash.

My daughter named him Pancake cause he looks like a blueberry pancake with some burnt spots.
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I appreciate the advise. I am going to have to study this breed a little harder before I purchase anymore eggs or chicks. These birds were hatched in mid Feb., at what age should I decide to cull?

I am new to this breed and trying to figure out if my new roo is a blue or splash. He is a teeny bit lighter in person. I can't seem to wrap my head around the difference between blue and splash.

My daughter named him Pancake cause he looks like a blueberry pancake with some burnt spots.
He looks blue to me from this picture....Nice dark red. He looks very young and does not have many sickle feathers or saddle feathers. I wish there were more pictures. My eye sight is poor.
I appreciate the advise. I am going to have to study this breed a little harder before I purchase anymore eggs or chicks. These birds were hatched in mid Feb., at what age should I decide to cull?
Cull means many things. To me cull means remove from a breeding program. They should be culled immediately from a breeding program. There is nothing wrong with keeping them as pets or the pullet as an egg layer if you choose. If you eat eggs, Wyndottes go broody and are wonderful mothers and hatchers.

If the male belonged to me he would be in the freezer to nourish my family. My birds are off to freezer camp at 14-16 weeks, or when they reach a nice size for the grill. These birds are delicious when beer grilled at 12 weeks. Nice fat little birds.
OK, i know my pullet is not looking like the best, but she's what i got.. . Can someone tell me what's going on with her color though? She's supposed to be a splash, and as a chick, looked very blue, in a splashy way. But the lacing she does have is on her back, and its reverse, the lacing is colored and the feather is white, no lacing anywhere else, looking very washed out rusty color with a bluish head, probably not coming through in the pictures though.



OK, i know my pullet is not looking like the best, but she's what i got.. . Can someone tell me what's going on with her color though? She's supposed to be a splash, and as a chick, looked very blue, in a splashy way. But the lacing she does have is on her back, and its reverse, the lacing is colored and the feather is white, no lacing anywhere else, looking very washed out rusty color with a bluish head, probably not coming through in the pictures though.

She is still a lovely little chicken.
You can get this and many different looking chickens when you use chickens that are not breeder quality. She is possibly other varieties and other breeds. Still a cute chicken and will lay nice eggs.
OK, i know my pullet is not looking like the best, but she's what i got.. . Can someone tell me what's going on with her color though? She's supposed to be a splash, and as a chick, looked very blue, in a splashy way. But the lacing she does have is on her back, and its reverse, the lacing is colored and the feather is white, no lacing anywhere else, looking very washed out rusty color with a bluish head, probably not coming through in the pictures though.

a lot like my easter egger roo, Weeble. he's 1/4 silkie 1/2 Ameraucana and 1/4 lucky free ranger.

basically I've heard this called 'red splash' which is just red shafting on a splash feather.
the blue gene tends to give a slightly darker edge, but on solid splash birds and others with the correct lacing genetics, that isn't apparent.

I had 2 splash babies hatch out last week, one I think will end up looking like this. (all my blrw are broody so none of them right now)

I agree with delisha very pretty, but not for breeding blrw. I've had some 'weebie-dottes' before, they all end up assorted colors but never looking anything like blrw, other than being blue or splash.
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She was intended for eggs, I'm not trying to show, I'll dabble in breeding to replenish my own flock, and for friends, but they want mixed breeds anyways. I was just curious, a the others i got at the same time were spot on for color, a little disappointed with this one, at least she's friendly!
She was intended for eggs, I'm not trying to show, I'll dabble in breeding to replenish my own flock, and for friends, but they want mixed breeds anyways. I was just curious, a the others i got at the same time were spot on for color, a little disappointed with this one, at least she's friendly!
well, initially I was disappointed in getting weeble, since I bought purebred (I thought) bbs Ameraucana eggs... but he's turned out quite the surprise. stamps his babies pretty well with his looks and is good to the girls.

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