Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Quote: weed worms grow here naturally. They are in stalks in my back swamp area in the black eyed susans, and golden rod. Usually they are grown for fishing and make great fishing bate. My chickens love any bug or grub or ant larvae that is white, weed worms are white and grub like.
Quote: For new chicks, I do put the liver in the blender and than freeze what i do not use. It is easy to break off small chunks and feed it out. I do not cook it. I simply love to watch baby chicks with fresh meat. it is a natural sight and such a delight.
Intestines I wash out and cut into small pieces and cook them or the chickens will play keep away and make a huge mess. I cook the intestines so the chickens do not play with them. It is for my convenience only. My dogs attack the chickens over food, and if there are intestines being dragged threw the yard, the chickens will not get any of them, the dogs will. By the time the chickens are done dragging intestines they do not look like intestines.
Chickens eating chickens is why I said I would never have chickens for 40 years. When I did agree to having chickens they could not be white ones!
well they won't eat each other normally, unless something's very wrong with your husbandry practices... so if you don't want to feed chicken TO chickens, give them something else.

I don't like white birds, simply because they don't STAY white. LOL with all this red clay, everything is a nice uniform shade of tan. white standard poodle, splash cochin, palomino paint horse, buckskin paint horse, heck the only one who looks RIGHT is my buff orpington. LOL
that gets expensive. if I had a small flock I could keep up now but I have 600 chickens and a million would not go far and would go quick. I just sell mealworms and kit to help pay the feed for chickens.

Goodness Donna, 600 chickens, wow is all I can say.  That is a ton of work.

the worst of it is that most are chicks....they are so messy. I am working on thinning them way down. I am not going to keep this many again. I hatched for spring chicks and the market here was dead this spring. but pullet sales are picking up so it may work out fine.
Quote: the worst of it is that most are chicks....they are so messy. I am working on thinning them way down. I am not going to keep this many again. I hatched for spring chicks and the market here was dead this spring. but pullet sales are picking up so it may work out fine.
You can ship me some SLW chicks..I will take them off your hands..
that gets expensive. if I had a small flock I could keep up now but I have 600 chickens and a million would not go far and would go quick. I just sell mealworms and kit to help pay the feed for chickens.

Goodness Donna, 600 chickens, wow is all I can say.  That is a ton of work.

the worst of it is that most are chicks....they are so messy. I am working on thinning them way down. I am not going to keep this many again. I hatched for spring chicks and the market here was dead this spring. but pullet sales are picking up so it may work out fine.

You can ship me some SLW chicks..I will take them off your hands..;)

if I could get more to hatch I would lol. they are all trying to go bloody....AGAIN.....ARGH
well they won't eat each other normally, unless something's very wrong with your husbandry practices... so if you don't want to feed chicken TO chickens, give them something else.

I don't like white birds, simply because they don't STAY white. LOL with all this red clay, everything is a nice uniform shade of tan. white standard poodle, splash cochin, palomino paint horse, buckskin paint horse, heck the only one who looks RIGHT is my buff orpington. LOL
My dad ordered 100 chicks when I was 5, the hatchery goofed and double sent the order. Dad got transfered, my brother was only crawling, it was my job to catch the pecked ones so we could paint them with the old white show polish, I picked wild mustard to hang from the fencing and we hung catfish on the fencing also. I was sure glad when dad was able to enlarge the run, I don't remeber them going into the freezer.
Hello everyone! We just got our first BLRW babies! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what they look like all grown up!

This is the day after that hatched. Fuzz butts!

I just love the coloring now! I know they will be beautiful all grown up.
Ill try to get updated photos tomorrow. They are two weeks now.
If I had to  guess from this angle.......male........wattles are a tell for me, and you have a comb shot and not a wattle shot. That comb look pretty big.

It does have tiny waddles starting to grow, but so do my other 2 that I'm thinking are girls. Here is one I think is a girl


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